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Who are the Players?

Population Controllers Spent 120 Billion Dollars Spent in One Year Alone

Most of us have heard about some of the headline-grabbing international abortion providers such as Women on Waves, the floating abortion mill that plies its grisly trade in the waters off the shores of pro-life nations.  Much larger groups such as the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), the United Nations Population Fund [1] (UNFPA) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) push abortion in nearly two hundred countries.  While these groups bask in the limelight, many other giant multinational population control corporations continue their lethal work almost unnoticed.

Not many have heard about giant single-purpose population control groups such as the Academy for Educational Development, CONRAD, DKT International, EngenderHealth, Family Health International, the International Medical Corps, IPAS, JHPIEGO, John Snow, Marie Stopes International, MCDI, PATH, Pathfinder and dozens of others, perhaps because their names cleverly conceal their real purpose ― to do nothing more than make large poor families into small poor families.

Perhaps even more dangerous are the many international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that do much good work, but which aggressively integrate “family planning” and “reproductive health” into their activities. These trusted groups include CARE, Heifer International, Helen Keller International, HOPE, Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders), the International Red Cross, Rotary International, UNICEF, World Vision and the World Wildlife Fund.

Such Money Could Have Supplied Much-Needed Clean Drinking Water

According to UNFPA, about $120 billion has been spent on population control in the developing nations since 1995 alone.  More than half of this colossal figure has been contributed by the United States government and American NGOs.  If these billions had been spent on authentic economic development activities such as rural electrification, better roads, health care (including attended childbirth), clean drinking water and schools, this money could have lifted more than fifty million of the world’s poorest people out of their poverty and provided them with a decent standard of living.  In fact, it could have provided clean drinking water and basic sanitation for the more than 330 million Africans who still do not have these necessities of life.

The great irony is that all of this population control has actually worsened the standard of living of the world’s poorest people because it has taken away from them the only treasure they have ― their children.

By Their Lies, Ye Shall Know Them

Inevitably, population control programs have frequently led to horrible human rights abuses. (See Mission Report [2], Page 5, for one such example.)  Forced abortion programs by international abortion providers have been documented in more than a dozen nations. “Family planning” personnel in Uganda and Sri Lanka give women Depo-Provera shots and tell them that it is a malaria or infertility treatment. A “safe motherhood” program in the Philippines inserted IUDs into hundreds of women without informing them of the fact. More than 200 newborn babies were stolen from poor women in Ukraine, butchered and sold as beautifying treatments to such facilities as Barbados’ Institute for Regenerative Medicine. These types of human rights abuses are to be expected when a philosophy or activity is inherently evil.

The “population management” mentality is incurably racist as well.  We constantly hear of Africa being overpopulated, but Western Europe is five times more densely populated. When was the last time you heard the call to force Europeans to stop having babies?

Babies are a gift in more than one way.  As demography will soon demonstrate, Africa, with its large, young population and vast store of natural resources, will take over the leadership of the world from Europe, with its small, aging population and scanty resources.  As it always has been, as it always will be, the nations that treasure their next generation will inevitably overtake and overcome those that selfishly discard theirs.

For an extensive list of domestic and international abortion providers and the groups that cooperate with them, including their anti-life financial information and activities, e-mail Brian Clowes at bclowes@hli.org.


Dr. Brian Clowes holds a PhD in Civil Engineering and Systems Science and works as Director of Research for Human Life International.  Brian is the author of nine books, over 300 scholarly and popular articles, and has traveled to 65 countries on six continents as a speaker, educator and trainer.