Give the world another pro-life leader
Your gift will help build a pro-life and pro-family future. Together we can form leaders to defend life in their families, parishes, and communities.

$15 Start a young person on the right path with chastity education

$80 Empower a new mother to choose life for her child through one of our global pregnancy care centers

$200 Train a priest or seminarian to defend life and build strong families in his parish
Human Life International is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Our federal tax identification number is 52-1241765. Gifts to HLI are tax-deductible as allowed by the law. Although HLI is a Catholic apostolate, HLI is not funded by the Vatican or any Catholic Church entity, nor does HLI receive any government funding. HLI depends on the support of individuals and foundations dedicated to building a Culture of Life to sustain our life-saving mission. Read our State Registration Disclosure. Human Life International 4 Family Life Lane Front Royal, VA 22630 P: 800-549-5433, Email: