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Birth Control for Teens Who Are “Doing It Anyway”?

If pressed, many “family planners” admit that in an ideal world, all young people would refrain from sexual activity before marriage and remain faithful to their spouses after.  Such a society would have no HIV-AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases, very little unwanted pregnancy (and few pregnancies among unmarried teens!), and most likely a very low divorce rate.  In turn, crime, poverty and dropping out of school would plunge.

But immediately after acknowledging this unavoidable truth, those who advocate abortion and birth control for teens firmly state that hoping or working for such a future is completely “unrealistic” and is thus a waste of time.


The Promotion of Birth Control for Teens

sex eduction words

One of the primary problems of the “sexperts” is that they do not believe in the eternal soul.  Therefore, they say, people are no different from other animals and so we must pursue what they call “harm reduction.”  We must give in to our weak human nature and make everyone as comfortable and as safe as possible as they engage in unhealthy behavior.  We are not allowed to “judge” people committing various harmful and sinful sexual activities because they were “born that way” and therefore cannot help themselves.

The culture of death is ridiculously short-sighted, especially regarding human sexuality.  Since it has no concept of humanity’s fallen nature, it simply cannot perceive the inevitable consequences of its activities.  It simply dismisses those who predict disaster as “religious cranks,” and when these “cranks” turn out to be correct, the “sexperts” only prescribe more of the false solutions that enabled the problem in the first place: more condoms for teens, more explicit sex education, more free abortions, and more “confidentiality.”

Many priests see the results of these policies to their great sorrow.  Young people in their parishes have followed the “free love” philosophy of their Baby Boomer parents and grandparents, who grew up in the 1960s and 1970s.

It has gotten to the point that many young people have sex with someone they have just met in order to help them decide if that person would be a good boyfriend or girlfriend.  The norm for some young people is what they call “serial monogamy” with a succession of “partners.”  Should priests look the other way if they use contraception?  After all, some ask, birth control for teens is certainly better than abortion, isn’t it?

People — and especially young people — have the ability to live up to our expectations for them.  Unfortunately, they also live down to our expectations for them.  Whether or not they admit it, they look to older people for guidance and example.  If we treat them as if they are no better than animals and simply throw condoms at them, they are going to have sex.  It is as simple as that.

Sex educators claim that providing birth control for teens in schools or clinics will not lead to sexual behavior.  This is as illogical as saying that giving them cars will not lead to driving behavior.  Every experienced crisis pregnancy counselor has talked to many teenaged girls whose parents put them on birth control “just to be safe,” and who have taken this as a green light to have sex.

birth control for teens

If we emphasize that we have high expectations for young people, that their bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and that we know that they will make the right decisions, they will be much more likely to abstain from sex and avoid all of the terrible worries and problems that accompany premarital sexual activity.

Parents have more influence on their children than religion, their friends, the media, or what they learn in school.  Unfortunately, in today’s world, parents often give their children bad example.  Father Paul Marx, the founder of Human Life International, often said that “contracepting parents beget fornicating teenagers.”  He also said that “virtue is caught, not taught.”  We must lead by (good) example.

The Catholic Church is suffering greatly from the impacts of two consecutive uncatechized generations.  We must win our children back from a world whose paramount message is “If it feels good, do it.”  This huge task may very well take another two generations, but are not the souls of millions worth the trouble?  We must never despair.


Discouraging Birth Control for Teens

A practical, rather than a religious, appeal usually works best with teenagers because many of them really think that they can enjoy life now and worry about religion and the disposition of their souls decades later in their lives.  This attitude tends to lead to many woes in this life as well.

Young people are under a heavy load of stress.  They have their studies to attend to, in addition to defining who they are and what their interests are and planning for their futures.  One effective way of “immunizing” young people against premarital sex, abortion and contraception is to show them how engaging in such activities clutters up their minds with oppressive and unnecessary worries.  Teenagers who remain chaste experience much less stress and have minds that are free to concentrate on planning their future lives.

teenage girl

Human Life International missionaries have found that the most effective way to encourage young people [1] to follow a holy and healthy lifestyle is to emphasize the problems that they will avoid if they follow God’s plan for their lives, and the happiness and security they will experience if they follow it.  These problems include the following urgent, and many times life-changing, worries, which always seem to fall heavily on the teenaged girl:

catholic teens


Final Thoughts

It is no exaggeration to say that teens that stay chaste suffer less than half of the psychological stress load that sexually active teens experience.  Early sexual activity is a terrible distraction, perhaps as addictive as the most powerful drugs.

By contrast, teenagers who are chaste suffer from none of these terrible troubles and are free to turn their eyes towards higher things — their education, their future, and God.  Refusing to give in to the temptation to participate in pre-marital sex will lead to a galaxy of rewards (and disasters avoided) that most people cannot even begin to imagine.