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Aren’t Homosexuals “Born That Way”?

The most powerful weapon in the homosexual special rights arsenal is the victim status.  A close second is the allegation that homosexuals are “born that way.”  If scientists can show that homosexuality is a genetic trait, then homosexuals may have a legitimate claim to being protected as a minority class under federal and state civil rights laws.

dna strand

It Doesn’t Really Matter

Whatever the outcome of scientific studies, the most important point that we can make is that the question over the genetic nature of homosexuality is completely irrelevant to the debate.

Nobody is perfect.  We all have physical, mental, emotional and spiritual defects that take many different forms.  This is a consequence of our fallen nature, and each of us must strive to overcome our flaws and weaknesses for God’s greater glory.

Even if homosexuals are “born that way,” this is absolutely no excuse to give in to their desires and endanger themselves and others.  After all, alcoholism has been proven to be a genetic trait.  But do we see organized activist alcoholics demanding the right to get roaring drunk every night, the right to drive while drunk, and the right to be protected from the consequences of their behavior when they are drunk?

Of course not!

Psychologist Harold Fishbein of the University of Cincinnati has suggested that there may be a genetic disposition towards racist behavior.1  If racism is proven to be a genetic trait, will we embrace groups of people who hate and discriminate against blacks, Jews and immigrants?

Of course not!

If kleptomania is proven to be genetic, should we accept demands by organized kleptomaniacs to legalize and even honor their compulsive thievery?

Of course not!

Finally, if “homophobia” is proven to have a genetic component, will homosexual activists recognize and embrace their demands?

Of course not!


Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture?

is homosexuality nature or nurture

The most effective tactic homosexual activists employ is to wrap their allegations in a veneer of science when talking about their sexual orientation.  Members of the public automatically give heavy credence to any claim that originates with a professional medical organization or a prestigious journal, and homosexual theorists know this.

The first large study that claimed that homosexuals are “born that way” was performed by Alfred Kinsey, and culminated in his 1948 report entitled Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.  However, as this article explains [1], this research was grossly biased and therefore invalid.

The two studies quoted most often by those who believe homosexuality is inborn were both performed in 1991.  These were Simon LaVey’s study of the human hypothalamus and Michael Bailey’s study of the sexual orientations of identical and fraternal twins. These studies are a cautionary tale to those who do not understand the scientific process and simply grab a hypothesis and present it as settled fact.

There have been several other major studies performed on sexual orientation over the past 25 years, but they do not claim any definitive conclusions.  Many of these studies are near-duplicates of the LaVey and Bailey studies.2


The LaVey Study

Simon LaVey, himself a homosexual, examined the brains of 35 male cadavers (16 heterosexuals and 19 homosexuals) to see if he could find any differences between the groups.  He found that a cluster of brain neurons known as INAH3 was twice as large in heterosexual men as it was in homosexuals.3 Activists immediately seized upon this tidbit of information and alleged that it “proved” that homosexuality is a genetic condition; i.e., that homosexuals are “born that way.”

However, there were several obvious difficulties with LaVey’s study that the propagandists glossed over or ignored completely:

human brain

Perhaps the most serious difficulty of LaVey’s study is related to his painfully obvious conflict of interest.  This study can best be debunked by comparing it to a situation in which a pathologist hired by the American Tobacco Institute performs autopsies on 35 men.  Sixteen of these men had never touched tobacco in any form.  The other 19 began smoking at a very young age and smoked two packs a day until they died.  The pathologist removes and examines the lungs of the 35 men.  He finds that the lungs of the nonsmokers are generally pink and healthy and the lungs of the smokers are obviously discolored and badly fouled by tar deposits.

Based upon the researcher’s data, the American Tobacco Institute announces that some babies are born with badly damaged and tarry lungs and that this trait causes them to become smokers.  Conversely, those babies that are born with pink and healthy lungs will not become smokers.  This line of reasoning makes no sense at all, of course, but the media accepted the identical grossly flawed “logic” of LaVey’s study without question.


The Bailey Study

The other major study relied upon by homosexual activists to advance their “born that way” agenda is the twins study by Dr. J. Michael Bailey of Northwestern University and Dr. Richard Pillard of the Boston University School of Medicine.  These two researchers published a study of twins raised in the same homes.4

In sets of identical twins, where one brother was homosexual, they found that there was a 52% chance that the other twin was homosexual as well.  This number was 22% for fraternal (non-identical) twins and only 9% for non-twin brothers.

The conclusion that the authors drew from these comparisons was this: that the incidence of homosexuality becomes higher as the genetic link between brothers becomes closer.  Therefore, they concluded that homosexuality must have a genetic basis.

As with LaVey’s research, there were very serious shortcomings in the methodology of this study:

young twin brothers


Final Thoughts

It is obvious that the purpose of these studies was not to convert the hearts and minds of the people, because the average person does not read medical or scientific journals.  Most Americans tend have a good measure of common sense and instinctively realize that homosexuality and its associated practices are unhealthy for both individuals and societies in general.

The purpose of these studies was instead to convince the power structures (in particular, the court systems) that homosexuality is an innate characteristic.

After all, the homosexuals have used the court system to their great advantage on the way to fulfilling their many goals, just as others used the court system to enshrine abortion in the United States over the objections of most of the population.

+ Endnotes

[1] “The Deep Roots of Racism.”  The Washington Post, February 9, 1997, page C5.

[2]  The most significant of these include:

  1. Dean Hamer’s 1993 study that found that more than 10% of the brothers of homosexual men were homosexuals themselves, compared to about 3% of the brothers of heterosexual men.  The problem with this study, of course, was that having a homosexual brother is certain to have a certain degree of environmental influence on other siblings.  Hamer called a prenatal test for homosexuality “wrong, unethical and a terrible abuse of research.”
  2. Michael Bailey, a psychologist at Northwestern University in Illinois, continued his studies from 1991 and found in 2014 that the Xq28 chromosome had some impact on whether or not a man is a homosexual, although other genes seem to impact sexual orientation as well.  But Bailey admitted, “We found evidence for two sets [of genes] that affect whether a man is gay or straight.  But it is not completely determinative; there are certainly other environmental factors involved.”  In other words, much more study needs to be done in this area in order for any conclusions to be drawn.

Ian Sample.  “Male Sexual Orientation Influenced by Genes, Study Shows [2].”  The Guardian, February 13, 2014.

The ProCon [3] website lists many interesting studies that seem to indicate that homosexuality is genetic, but the studies listed focus on such tangential factors as eye-blink response to startling and sexual behavior among fruit flies.

[3] Simon LaVey.  “A Difference in Hypothalamic Structure between Heterosexual and Homosexual Men.”  Science Magazine, 258, 1991, pages 1,034 to 1,037.

[4] J.M. Bailey and R.C. Pillard.  “A Genetic Study of Male Sexual Orientation.”  Archives of General Psychiatry, 48: 1991, pages 1,089 to 1,096.

[5] David Gelman, et.al.  “Born or Bred?”  Newsweek Magazine, February 24, 1992, page 46.

[6] A.P. Bell, M.S. Weinberg, and S.K. Hammersmith.  Sexual Preference [Bloomington, Indiana:  Indiana University Press], 1981.

[7] David Gelman, et.al.  “Born or Bred?”  Newsweek Magazine, February 24, 1992, page 46.