Yes, You CAN Break the Grip of Porn
It’s possible to be set free from pornography. Steve Pokorny was! Today, he mentors men and women who want to heal from porn.
Steve Pokorny’s ministry, Freedom Coaching, helps transform desires by transforming mind, heart, and vision. On today’s episode, Steve joins us to discuss pornography addiction and how authentic healing IS possible.
Often, these compulsions are driven by underlying trauma. Steve explains why some common tactics to get over porn addictions actually don’t work well, how to fix the underlying issues, and how fathers can help their kids escape the trap of pornography.
If you’re not struggling with pornography, this episode is also for you. We unpack the effect of porn on relationships, both for dating and married couples. Steve explains why “addiction” is an unhelpful term. And we discuss whether or not Catholics and Christians need to talk about pornography more often.
Listen now to find out how freedom from the grips of porn IS achievable!
Website: Freedom Coaching