Exposing the Global Population Control Agenda

The United States National Security Council is the highest decision-making body regarding foreign policy in the United States. On December 10, 1974, it completed a top-secret document entitled National Security Study Memorandum or NSSM-200, also called The Kissinger Report, since Henry Kissinger was Secretary of State at the time it was written.

Henry A Kissinger, U.S. Secretary of State 1973-1977

Henry Kissinger

The subject of NSSM-200 is “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.” This document, published shortly after the first major international population conference in Bucharest, was the result of collaboration among the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Departments of State, Defense and Agriculture.

NSSM-200 was made public when it was declassified and was transferred to the U.S. National Archives in 1990.

Although the United States government has issued hundreds of policy papers dealing with various aspects of American national security since 1974, NSSM-200 continues to be the foundational document on U.S. government population control. It therefore continues to represent official United States policy on government population control and, in fact, is still posted on the USAID website.

NSSM-200 is critically important to pro-life workers all over the world, because it completely exposes the unsavory and unethical motivations and methods of the population control movement. We can use this valuable document to lay bare the strategies used by unscrupulous governments and “aid” agencies that are used to bend developing nations to their wills. Their rote denials will be useless in the face of this evidence.

The Purpose of The Kissinger Report (NSSM-200)

The primary purpose of U.S. government population control efforts is to maintain access to the mineral resources of less-developed countries, or LDCs.

The Kissinger Report states:

The U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries. That fact gives the U.S. enhanced interest in the political, economic, and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States.

In order to protect U.S. commercial interests, NSSM-200 cited a number of factors that could interrupt the smooth flow of materials from LDCs to the United States, including a large population of anti-imperialist youth whose numbers must be limited by population control. The document identified 13 nations by name that would be the primary targets of U.S. government population control efforts.

Under the heading “Concentration on key countries” we find:

Assistance for population moderation should give primary emphasis to the largest and fastest growing developing countries where there is special U.S. political and strategic interest. Those countries are: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Columbia [sic].… At the same time, the U.S. will look to the multilateral agencies, especially the U.N. Fund for Population Activities which already has projects in over 80 countries to increase population assistance on a broader basis with increased U.S. contributions. This is desirable in terms of U.S. interests and necessary in political terms in the United Nations. [emphasis added]

countries targeted by nssm-200, the kissinger report

Countries targeted by NSSM-200

According to the report, elements of the implementation of government population control programs could include the legalization of abortion, financial incentives for countries to increase their abortion, sterilization and contraception-use rates, indoctrination of children, and mandatory population control and coercion of other forms, such as withholding disaster and food aid unless an LDC implements population control programs.

This particular form of coercion is evident in this story of Peruvian women who did not wish to be sterilized. The workers visited one woman “day and night, day and night” to wear her down to agree to sterilization. Some food programs leveraged their power, demanding that women be sterilized or stop receiving food. Women weren’t told about Natural Family Planning. And many weren’t informed about the dangers of sterilization. Some women were even sterilized without knowledge or consent.

The population control cartel uses force and coercion in developing countries to push abortion, sterilization and birth control, as well as other evils such as homosexuality and transgenderism.

Gynecologist holding an IUD

Gynecologist holding an IUD

There are dozens of examples of this kind of blatant injustice, including the following:

  • When Nigeria refused to legalize contraception and homosexuality, the United States withdrew financial and military aid that would allow it to combat the Islamic terror group Boko Harem, which has murdered and kidnapped tens of thousands of people in that nation.1
  • When Ecuador declined to legalize abortion, the United Nations refused to provide any aid for it to battle COVID-19, condemning many Ecuadorians to death.2
  • When Kenyan pro-lifers collected irrefutable evidence that Marie Stopes International (MSI), one of the largest abortionists in the world, were committing illegal and dangerous abortions on a vast scale, MSI demanded that they be either muzzled or jailed.3
  • The United Nations Population Fund halted food and other aid to millions of starving Yemenis because the nation refused to legalize abortion.4
  • When Zambia refused to legalize sodomy, the United States withdrew much-needed foreign aid to help alleviate the 11% national HIV infection rate and to care for 250,000 AIDS orphas.5
  • The Joint United Nations Program on AIDS [UNAIDS] threatened to withdraw all of its aid from the Caribbean island of St. Lucia unless it approved language supporting abortion and homosexuality in a political declaration on HIV/AIDS.6

The powerful population control cartel does not engage in charity at all – instead, it freely employs thuggery and bullying to enforce its will.

NSSM-200 also specifically declared that the United States must cover up its population control activities and avoid charges of imperialism by inducing the United Nations and various non-governmental organizations – specifically the Pathfinder Fund, the International Planned Parenthood Foundation (IPPF) and the Population Council – to do its dirty work.

Dr. Alan Guttmacher, one of the most knowledgeable and active population suppression experts of all time, described this strategy:

My own feeling is that we’ve got to pull out all the stops and involve the United Nations…. If you’re going to curb population, it’s extremely important not to have it done by the “damned Yankee,” but by the UN. Because the thing is, then it’s not considered genocide. If the United States goes to the black man or the yellow man and says “slow down your reproductive rate,” we’re immediately suspected of having ulterior motives to keep the white man dominant in the world. If you can send in a colorful UN force, you’ve got much better leverage.7

Massive Human Rights Violations

NSSM-200 has directly and inevitably encouraged atrocities on an enormous scale in dozens of the world’s nations. Just four of countless examples are shown below.


For many years, the United States government funded the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). In April 2017, the Trump Administration finally took the step of ending UNFPA funding.


One of the main targets of UNFPA money is the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The State Department grounded the change of policy in the fact that the agency “supports, or participates in the management of, a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization” in China.

concept of China abolishing its one-child policy; a two-child family in China

While the UNFPA denies it, according to its own documents the UNFPA has donated more than $100 million to China’s population control program, financed a $12 million computer complex specifically to monitor the population program, provided the technical expertise and personnel that trained thousands of Chinese population control officials, and presented China with a United Nations award for the “most outstanding population control program.”

Those unfamiliar with the countless abuses perpetrated under this program might consider reading material from 2015-present at the links for the U.S. Congressional Hearing on China and Population Research Institute (PRI) for evidence. As the PRI article states, “More children were aborted under the one-child policy than the entire population of the United States.”


During the years 1995 to 1997, over a quarter of a million Peruvian women were sterilized as part of a program to fulfill then-president Alberto Fujimori’s family planning goals. Although this campaign was called the “Voluntary Surgical Contraception Campaign,” many of these procedures were obviously coerced. In fact, women whose underweight children were on government food programs were threatened with the withholding of this food if they refused to be sterilized. Others were kidnapped from their families and forcibly sterilized.


Uganda became the first African country to roll back its adult HIV infection rate, from 21% in 1991 to about 6% in 2004, a 70% decrease. The nation accomplished this amazing feat by changing the behavior of the people and shifting the focus away from condoms.

Second from right is HLI Anglophone Regional Director, Emil Hagamu, with Ugandan delegates at the recent Africa Family Life Federation Conference in Mauritius

The population control groups were upset that Uganda’s successful program emphasized virtuous behavior. They did not want this success to interfere with their inflexible template, so they aggressively undermined President Yoweri Museveni’s program. Timothy Wirth, President of the United Nation Foundation, called this highly effective program “gross negligence toward humanity.” The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Population Services International, CARE International, and others began pushing condoms as hard as they could in Uganda. Rates of HIV infection rose to over 7% in 2013. Edward Greene, former senior research scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health, ascribes this increase to riskier behavior and less fear of HIV as a death sentence.

Recently, Ugandan adult HIV infection rates have declined to 5.4%. Nevertheless, Uganda’s initial success in the ’90s proves that abstinence works. The attempt to undermine Uganda’s proven HIV prevention program is perhaps the most egregious example of population control ideology trumping science.


In 2014, there was renewed international attention on India’s continuing forced sterilization program after dozens of women were killed and many more harmed due to the assembly line procedures being done in grotesquely unsanitary conditions. As gynecologist Josas Koninoor remarked:

95% of our clients belong to the very poor class. They are responsible for giving birth four or five times. Since they cannot remember to take birth control pills every day, long-acting contraceptives are much better for them…. In order to have a good thing there is always a price to pay. If two or three women die — what’s the problem? The population will be reduced.”8

HLI marriage enrichment program in India

HLI marriage enrichment program in India

Female sterilization is still India’s primary method of “contraception.” According to The New York Times, as of 2016, four million tubal ligations are still done annually. This program continues to be financed by the US and other western governments and foundations. Currently, there are no plans to stop sterilizations, but the Indian government is introducing free injectable contraceptives, which will also have major negative health impacts on women.

Outline of the Population Control Strategy in NSSM-200

NSSM-200 explicitly lays out the detailed strategy by which the United States government aggressively promotes population control in developing nations in order to regulate (or have better access to) the natural resources of these countries.

The following outline shows the elements of this plan, with actual supporting quotes from NSSM-200:

1. The United States needs widespread access to the mineral resources of less-developed nations (quote shown above).

2. The smooth flow of resources to the United States could be jeopardized by lesser-developed country government action, labor conflicts, sabotage, or civil disturbances, which are much more likely if population pressure is a factor: “These types of frustrations are much less likely under conditions of slow or zero population growth.”

3. Young people are much more likely to challenge imperialism and the world’s power structures, so their numbers should be kept down as much as possible: “These young people can more readily be persuaded to attack the legal institutions of the government or real property of the ‘establishment,’ ‘imperialists,’ multinational corporations, or other–often foreign–influences blamed for their troubles.”

4. Therefore, the United States must develop a commitment to government population control among key LDC leaders, while bypassing the will of their people: “The U.S. should encourage LDC leaders to take the lead in advancing family planning and population stabilization both within multilateral organization and through bilateral contact with other LDCs.”

5. The critical elements of government population control implementation include:

  • Identifying the primary targets: “Those countries are: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Colombia.”
  • Enlisting the aid of as many multilateral population control organizations as possible in this worldwide project to deflect criticism and charges of imperialism: “The U.S. will look to the multilateral agencies, especially the U.N. Fund for Population Activities which already has projects in over 80 countries to increase population assistance on a broader basis with increased U.S. contributions.”
  • Recognizing that “no country has reduced its population growth without resorting to abortion.”
  • Designing programs with financial incentives for countries to increase their abortion, sterilization and contraception-use rates: “Pay women in the LDCs to have abortions as a method of family planning…. Similarly, there have been some controversial, but remarkably successful, experiments in India in which financial incentives, along with other motivational devices, were used to get large numbers of men to accept vasectomies.”
  • Concentrating on “indoctrinating” [NSSM-200’s language] the children of LDCs with anti-natalist propaganda: “Without diminishing in any way the effort to reach these adults, the obvious increased focus of attention should be to change the attitudes of the next generation, those who are now in elementary school or younger.”
  • Designing and instigating propaganda programs and sex-education curricula intended to convince couples to have smaller families, regardless of social or cultural considerations: “The following areas appear to contain significant promise in effecting fertility declines and are discussed in subsequent sections… concentrating on the education and indoctrination of the rising generation of children regarding the desirability of smaller family size.”
  • Investigating the desirability of mandatory [NSSM-200’s language] population control programs: “The conclusion of this view is that mandatory programs may be needed and that we should be considering these possibilities now.”
  • Considering using coercion in other forms, such as withholding disaster and food aid unless a targeted LDC implements population control programs: “On what basis should such food resources then be provided? Would food be considered an instrument of national power? Will we be forced to make choices as to whom we can reasonably assist, and if so, should population efforts be a criterion for such assistance?”

Throughout the implementation process, the United States must hide its tracks and disguise its population control programs as altruistic, by using the euphemisms so well-beloved by all elements of the culture of death:

There is also the danger that some LDC leaders will see developed country pressures for family planning as a form of economic or racial imperialism; this could well create a serious backlash.… The U.S. can help to minimize charges of an imperialist motivation behind its support of population activities by repeatedly asserting that such support derives from a concern with:

(a) The right of the individual couple to determine freely and responsibly the number and spacing of children and to have information, education, and means to do so; and

(b) The fundamental social and economic development of poor countries in which rapid population growth is both a contributing cause and a consequence of widespread poverty.

Is Government Population Control Necessary?

There is growing awareness that the world “population explosion” is over or, indeed, that it never actually materialized in the first place.

When the population scare began in the late 1960s, the world population was increasing at a rate of more than 2% per year. It is now increasing at less than 1% per year, and this rate is expected to continue to drop due to continuing population control activities.

children per woman graph throughout the world

Source – Our World in Data

NSSM-200 predicted that the population of the world would stabilize at about 10 to 13 billion, with some demographers predicting that the world population would balloon to as high as 22 billion people. Now, it is estimated that by 2100, the population will level out at around 11 billion, although many dependable estimates put the peak population at a much lesser number.

The worldwide application of the strategies recommended in the report has resulted in regional population growth rates decelerating quickly. This is already causing severe economic and social problems in Europe, the former Soviet Union, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong. Many developing nations are now aging even more rapidly than the developed world, which foretells even more severe problems for their relatively underdeveloped economies. The developed nations had the opportunity to become rich before they became old; if a nation becomes old first, it will never become rich.

From the very beginning, the concept of a “population explosion” was an ideologically motivated false alarm. It was specifically designed to allow rich nations to pillage the resources of the poorer nations. The resulting push for population control in developing nations has borne absolutely no positive fruit in its decades of implementation. In fact, population control ideologies and programs make it even more difficult to respond to the impending disastrous worldwide “population implosion.” It is time to begin urging families to have more children, not fewer, if we are to avoid a worldwide demographic catastrophe.

The first step in such a massive change in policy is, of course, to change our vision and our values. To do this, we must repudiate old ways of thinking and outmoded ways of accomplishing our objectives.

NSSM-200 represents the worst aspect of the “advanced” nations meddling in the most intimate affairs of less-developed nations. It strongly reinforces the image of the “ugly American.” It advocates violating the most precious freedoms and autonomy of the individuals through coercive family planning programs.

NSSM-200 purports to show concern for the rights or welfare of individuals and of nations, but it was conceived from the imperialistic concept that the United States has the “right” to have unfettered access to the natural resources of developing nations. The United States and the other nations of the developed world should be supporting and guiding authentic economic development that allows the people of each nation to use their resources for their own benefit. This will lead to an enhancement of human rights worldwide and healthier economies for all.

No human relationships are closer or more intimate than those found in the family. Yet, the “developed” world has spent more than 160 billion dollars just since 1990 attempting to control the number of children born to families in developing nations. This widespread imposition of abortion, sterilization and birth control is veiled under the deceptive umbrella terms “family planning services” and “reproductive health.”

All that the tens of billions of dollars of government population control expenditures have accomplished is to make hundreds of millions of large poor families into small poor families.

It is unfortunately left to our imagination to wonder what might have happened if these resources had been invested in health and education infrastructure and in research dedicated to finding peaceful strategies to transition nations from corrupt governance to truly representative and accountable courts and public service sectors.

Children are not an obstacle to development; they are the hope for the future of any society. People are not the problem – they are the solution.

People are Not the Problem: Ehrlich was Wrong

A growing population is not something to be thwarted by government programs. People are invaluable, and the war on fertility has spelled future economic and social problems for the 80 nations that are now below replacement level.

Man’s life comes from God; it is his gift, his image and imprint, a sharing in his breath of life. God therefore is the sole Lord of this life: man cannot do with it as he wills.” (Evangelium Vitae, 1995. Emphasis added)

Perhaps the loudest pro-population control advocate in recent memory is Paul Ehrlich. In the ’60s, his book, The Population Bomb, sold millions of copies. This book predicted several things that ended up being grossly incorrect. Ehrlich claimed that 65 million Americans would starve to death in the ’70s, that India was doomed, and that England would cease to exist by 2000.

Obviously, he was wrong. There was no mass starvation of Americans, India is growing to be an economic competitor with Russia and China, and England thrives today.

group of people in form of world map

The fear of overpopulation never came true. And it didn’t come true in the 19th century, either, which is when these fears began. Indeed, as the US Conference of Catholic Bishops acknowledges, the issue is not overpopulation or running out of food. The problem is getting food to those who are poor, such as families in third-world countries.

“Life is entrusted to man as a treasure which must not be squandered, as a talent which must be used well. Man must render an account of it to his Master.” (Evangelium Vitae, 1995. Emphasis added)

What Now?

What can be done by the layman? First, we must realize that we are in graver danger of living in a depopulated world than in an overpopulated one. Next, we must vote for politicians and advocate for policies that would protect the unborn and fertility. Finally, we must entrust it all to Jesus, Mary and Joseph and pray for their intercession.

Human Life International continues to fight for the rights of women all around the world, including the right to live free from sterilization, by lobbying for pro-life and pro-woman policies.

This article was originally published in June 2021 by Dr. Brian Clowes and was most recently updated in January 2024 by Marisa Cantu.

+ Endnotes

[1] Diane Montagna. “US Won’t Help Fight Boko Haram Until Nigeria Accepts Homosexuality, Birth Control, Bishop Says.” Aleteia, February 17, 2015.

[2] Micaiah Bilger. “UN Refuses to Send Coronavirus Funds to Pro-Life Nation Unless It Legalizes Abortions.” LifeNews.com, May 18, 2020.

[3] Dorothy Cummings McLean. “Global Abortion Business Wants Kenyan Court to Ban Pro-Lifer from Mentioning Its Name.” LifeSite Daily News, March 17, 2021.

[4] Micaiah Bilger. “Feminists Block Program to Send Food to Starving People Because Abortion Isn’t Included.” LifeNews.com, July 13, 2020.

[5] Stefano Gennarini, J.D. “US Ambassador Threatens to Pull Foreign Aid Unless Zambia Embraces Sodomy.” LifeSite Daily News, December 13, 2019.

[6] Pete Baklinski. “UNAIDS Threatened to End Aid if We Fought Abortion and Gay Language in Document: Former St. Lucia Delegate.” LifeSite Daily News, May 21, 2015.

[7] William Stump. “Dr. Guttmacher — Still Optimistic about the Population Problem.” Baltimore Magazine, February 1970 [Volume 63, Number. 2], pages 25 and 50 to 53.

Dr. Alan Guttmacher speaking to a symposium at the University of California Medical Center. “Doctor Blames His Profession for Delays on Family Planning.” The New York Times, January 16, 1966.

[8] Bangladeshi gynecologist Josas Koninoor, M.D., quoted in “Norplant, The Five-Year Needle.” Issues in Reproductive Engineering, Volume 3, Number 3, pages 221 to 228.



Brian Clowes, PhD

Dr. Brian Clowes has been HLI’s director of research since 1995 and is one of the most accomplished and respected intellectuals in the international pro-life movement. Best known as author of the most exhaustive pro-life informational resource volume The Facts of Life, and for his Pro-Life Basic Training Course, Brian is the author of nine books and over 500 scholarly and popular articles, and has traveled to 70 countries on six continents as a pro-life speaker, educator and trainer.

Marisa Cantu has a master's in political science and international affairs and a bachelor's in political science. She has also studied international studies and French. She has a strong background in nonprofit work, research, writing, and policy proposal and analysis.


  1. Spitfire Sicilian on July 12, 2024 at 4:55 PM

    Translation on homepage of http://www.StolenElectionNovella.com
    Google, Youtube, Twitter and FB, from 2019-present have been redacting and censoring all information about the WHO Council on Eugenics. They have removed articles and suspended members for pinpointing Henry Kissinger and the WEF; they have gotten AP News, Reuters to lambast any who suggested he was the wizard behind the curtain, pulling all the levers. I found the following CANALE Italia report of May 29, 2020. Honesty, I trust CANALE and reporter Vito Monaco far more than any in our MSM: https://canaleitalia.it/presentatori-e-staff/

  2. LPYC on March 22, 2023 at 4:44 AM

    When women and mothers take to the streets in protest demanding the right to kill their unborn children, your society is doomed.

  3. Nina Rhea on June 26, 2022 at 12:52 PM

    Today I revisited this file on NSSM-200. Just last night, we re-watched “THE WIDOW” a series on the Epix cable network. The backstory for the plot involves corrupt mining of Coltan, a mineral. Coltan is used in cell phones. But the series doesn’t reveal that until the end. It doesn’t make the population control connection either. I just found this short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTJwbP9Dg_o

    Brian, your expose of abortion for minerals is a piece of the puzzle. God bless.

  4. Chrill DePrazzio on June 18, 2022 at 10:34 PM

    Human life is less than 100 years, in fact, in under 120 years from today, every single living or being born human on earth will be dead, extinct, gone from this earth. If you look at the death rate subtracted from birth rate, the current population is barely increasing, the article lists 1% growth, I have seen numbers in the 0.889% range, less than one percent. Humans are not herd animals, unlike depopulation fascists like to call them, they live and coexist in colonies like bees and other species. That means larger concentrations of humans are in cities, liberal condensed corridors. Most of the earth is very un populated. Look out a jet window while flying, or drive hours into forests, jungles, and deserts. Numbers approaching zero populations of humans over vast open space 0.00000197 colonized human habitat space. Next, factor in diseases, wars, accidents, and effects of aging, most humans won’t even hit 80 years old. Less than 80 years and over 90% human extinction. Think about that vulnerability and fragility in human life, it goes by fast. It is more then conceivable that in less than 80 years with a large disease outbreak, wars, and natural disasters, the entirety of humanity could be mostly wiped out in half a century. This would be human colony collapse. Add in that when colony species collapse the stragglers die quickly without society support. It is conceivable, that within a single decade of complex natural and man-made disasters could easily whipe out the entire human species.

  5. Marie on August 26, 2021 at 12:03 PM

    God commanded man to “increase and multiply, and fill the earth.” The rich and the powerful have no right to “play God,” and control other countries and the lives of others. By doing so, they are inviting the wrath of God upon the U.S. and upon themselves. Without repentance, they will end up in hell–even if they don’t believe in hell. I have read that most of the souls in hell were those who did not believe that hell existed. The poor and hungry who live a life of suffering will end up in heaven. The huge amounts of money that have been spent on “population control” could have been used to provide food and water and other assistance to less developed nations.

    The signs of the times are that we are at the beginning of the time of tribulation, just prior to the appearance of the antichrist in the world. We are beginning to see a schism in the Catholic Church, which has been predicted. The Virgin Mary, in appearances at Garabandal and other places, said that there will be a Chastisement of the world if people did not stop offending God. Since Fatima and Garabandal, the world in general has become worse and worse (although there have been many people who have been converted). The only hope for the world and for souls is for people to repent and turn to God.

  6. Karen Bracken on August 23, 2021 at 3:09 PM

    They want to depopulate for only one reason. Control of all human activity. Less of us more for them. They want to reduce the world back to a 2 class system. The masters and the slaves.

  7. Carla on August 17, 2021 at 7:01 PM

    Is the government using the covid vaccine to slow population? There has to be a reason why they want us to get it so bad! I live and teach in new Mexico and our governor has made it so hard to live and work here being unvaccinated yet all the people I know who have had covid lately are vaccinated!
    There’s something fishy going on for sure. I don’t trust them.

  8. Rufus on July 26, 2021 at 10:42 AM

    Empires come and go. The mere fact that it is the Ancient Civilizations; (Underdeveloped seems such an incorrect political statement, seeing these ancient civilizations where highly developed before the plundering of the Hellenistic period), who are targeted, points to a real realization that even a primitive people might be a threat; given the the looming extinction of an Imperial race. Somalia, the African continent, Vietnam, the Asian continent and even the of the Taliban in the Middle East had proven well that it is rather the resolve, tenacity, willpower and Nationalist unity of a people, rather than the most advanced technology which wins the battle every time. It is in these Freedom fighters’ generations to come in which Empires will once again change hands. With a secured lineage, all which is needed is patience and time, like the centuries of old!

  9. duddy on June 29, 2021 at 11:22 PM

    hilary clinton’s favrite website

  10. Dan Daugherty on June 20, 2021 at 2:55 PM

    It’s a zero-sum paradigm. To evolve a ten-billion, technology-enhanced human population, a specific volume of refined resources must dynamically be sustained and stored against most seasonally common decay. After the Reset Dieoff, humanity’s remaining fifty million surviving harvesters will “popularly” be managed by a genetically distinct oligarchy of self-perpetuating masters.

    A ten thousand year golden-age begins … .


  11. Anders Tallberg on January 2, 2021 at 4:06 PM

    Just as for all primates and for most mammals, human mothers are infertile while breastfeeding in a natural pattern (at demand), due to lactational amenorrhea. Prior to the introduction of infant formula the average breastfeeding period in most non industrialized countries was between 4 to 5 years, resulting in a normal reproduction rate of about 5 to 6 years. However, when infant formula was introduced in these markets (for India at about 1910 as far as I can recall) it was heavily subsidized, and commonly given for free to mothers during their first period after birth. In a matter of a few years the reproduction rate in these markets was close to one year, resulting in an extreme increase in the population growth, something which clearly can be seen in the population statistics of that time.

    The reason why this is not commonly known is that estimates of population growth which lists numerous relevant factors, like access to preservatives, family planning (abortion clinics), healthcare, general sanitation, nutrition etc., “forgets” lactational amenorrhea – hiding the fact that infant formula acts like a “chemical fertilizer” in traditional societies. Still western countries subsidize infant formula and profit is just one of the reasons.

  12. Drew on October 28, 2020 at 10:45 PM

    Fact: the growth rate in the world’s population was 1.08% in 2019,
    Fact: at the current rate, the world’s population would double every 64 years.

    Expert Opinion: In 50 years, the UN projects the world population will be somewhere between 9.5-12.5 billion people with a 95% confidence ratio.

    My Opinion: the population growth is a problem for humanity. The bigger problem may be our inability to recognize it, let alone do something humane about it. We can argue all day long about the agendas behind this and politics. I do see some merit in the argument that the US may have been a culprit in population control efforts in the past. As a first mover in a lot of things we make the first mistakes. Nonetheless, we’d better get REAL about the fact we have a big problem on our hands. If you have children (which I do) I am both a part of a problem and have a vested interest in solving it.

  13. Robert on October 25, 2020 at 12:20 AM

    Hey Tim Im curious as to how you came to this conclusion, can you send me some sources from where you found this information?

  14. Alan on October 6, 2020 at 11:45 AM

    Everyone who believes and thinks population control is a good idea with all your rationalizations – Here is how I suggest we implement the program. You go first!

  15. Adam Baum on September 28, 2020 at 2:32 AM

    You mention “agriculture” in the opening paragraph but then it doesnt come up again. I want to share with you and all the readers the part about “agriculture.”

    Herbicides and pesticides are carelessly used on crops that will be consumed by the masses of poor, mostly non-white people, while white people dodge the bullet and eat organic.

    GMO Corn (corn syrup, cattle feed, chicken feed, etc.) is used in almost every kind of cheaper food and permeates everything. GMO corn is sprayed with herbicides and pesticides that make it easier to farm. The chemicals remain on the corn after harvest. The chemicals are then consumed by humans and livestock (which are then consumed by humans). Trace amounts of herbicides and pesticides in our food cause partial or complete sterility among males. Today, the average male is half as fertile as his grandfather, and the trend is picking up steam. In a laboratory study, male mice that consumed glyphosate had lineages that were completely sterile after 4 generations. We will see similar results in human males. This is why middle and upper class people, especially white people, eat mostly organic food. They are constantly alerted of the dangers of GMO food in Ivy Leavue and higher institutions, while the masses that are the targets of the population control program are left with Bill Gates touting the benefits of GMO to the high heavens, with little or no warning of the danger.

  16. Susan Biddle on September 7, 2020 at 8:27 AM

    There is a very simple solution to the issue of lack of resources which does not include population control. Wealth limits! If the most wealthy 1% on our planet gave up 50% of their wealth to to feed impoverished nations, there would be no lack whatsoever. If instead of investing in population control, they chose to invest in sustainable farms in impoverished areas, hunger would no longer exist. The population level is going to level off naturally, with or without their intervention.
    I feel like most people are missing the point. Population control is not about sustainability or improving lives of common people. It is about control, greed, and keeping less advantaged populations weak so that the ultra wealthy can maintain their gluttony and greed.

  17. Tim Randall on May 24, 2020 at 12:39 AM

    Correct! The plan of the elites has long been to eradicate 95% of the population while saving the highly-selected 5% required to defend and serve them. These 15 million Chosen Ones and their 15 million other-tribal associates will live like Gods, while their servants will live quite well indeed, all the more to keep them happy. Soon after the event occurs, that being the declaration that a non-virus or simple virus said to be deadly to all life has been discovered to be spreading rapidly around the earth, the elites will have ready a vaccine which will be mandatory world-wide and which will make everyone ill … but, secretly, there will be TWO vaccines, one which always kills and one which never kills … this is how the selected will be saved along with the elites.

    Of course, the masses think there is only ONE vaccine. All this will take about 3 months, and after the 7.3 billion bodies have been mulched for pig feed and fertilizer, the One World Government will be set up and everyone will be soon be well-housed and working. All this will probably take at least 30 years to become a very smooth working operation indeed.. But once the cull takes place, leaving about 500 million humans left on earth, the planet itself will begin its return to health in rapid fashion, with the air, water, soil, flora, fauna, and fish returning in 50 to 100 years to the glorious health of 1,000 years ago. Humanity will be well-controlled but happy, while the elites may well eventually debouch themselves to death like the Romans did, and the world will start all over again repeating the deadly cycle we are now experiencing. Then again, the elites may just think better of destroying themselves and may maintain the planet as the Paradise they’ve created for centuries to come. This scenario is coming soon, so enjoy each day and each other as never before … because most of us will soon be gone.

    • Philip / Daniel van Olphen on June 29, 2021 at 11:03 PM

      Very well said.
      You may like to learn about the tyranny of moral relativism.
      Pope Benedict the sixteenth alerted us to the situation.

  18. Jaded Flower on May 18, 2020 at 12:19 AM

    It’s not the middle class and their McMansions which pose the greatest threat but the crony-capitalist, mega-corporations polluting with bio-accumulative poisons. They would rather blame the folks wanting a child and make them feel guilty so Big Pharma/Food/War etc. can go on trashing the place to make billions. Pollution is the clear and present danger not climate change. This is about the oligarchs having their organic, grass-fed, sirloin while everyone else scratches insecticided, mutant bugs from the dirt they’ve poisoned.

  19. Dennis Letkeman on April 18, 2020 at 10:24 AM

    those are all temporary measures the only way is a massive kill off with a world wide pandemic which is what they are testing right now

  20. victor edward carrillo on November 30, 2019 at 3:09 PM

    does population control have a limit??

  21. Jeff Reinharcz on June 29, 2019 at 10:59 AM

    Some of are increasingly claiming that the main world powers are scheming since the early 1900s to establish a tyrannical world government consisting of elements of Big Brother, the Matrix, and the Borg.

    To accomplish this, say they, world powers have been progressively working to replace centuries of morality based on belief in a Creator/God, which belief served to control the masses’ sexual drives and inculcate a general respect for nature, with a “freedom” from such belief in order to catalyze an unprecedented explosion in sexual activity and mechanization of the environment.

    This has enabled those powers to declare a so-called “overpopulation” crisis and real environmental crisis, and to blame second on this first.

    The next step, say they, has been to dismantle the natural biological family unit of male, female and offspring by driving them apart by using the world powers’ economic, educational, and entertainment sectors to drive psychological wedges between them where each is seen as “intolerable,” “unnecessary,” an “obstacle,” “inimical,” and a “threat” to the other’s safety and betterment.

    Next, according to this view, is the first voluntary then forced implementation of sterilization, dismantling of sexual identity, normalization of thinking and behavior long recognized as unnatural to our species’ reproductive system.

    The promoters of this interpretation say that this latest effort, the LGBTQIA movement, is the most aggressive form yet of population control, because it seeks to normalize homosexuality, “sexual reassignment surgery,” “and use of “artificial reproductive technology” to allow for a poor knockoff of the natural sexual pleasure and ensure further population growth cannot occur without use of ART, no doubt only as permitted by law.

    However, as if this weren’t already enough, this interpretation continues, the next step by world leaders working through the UN is to obsess the world populace further with desires for maximum enhancement of life via smartphones, “virtual reality,” “artificial intelligence,” and genetic and cybernetic “immortality.”

    The purpose of these latter items is to guarantee absolute control over the future global populace–in which they are systematically thought-monitored, made to live in a realistic yet digitized fantasy world, and uploaded into cyborg bodies used to ever expand the bounds tyranny across space and time.

    What do you think of that still-unnamed group’s interpretation of population control?

    • allen on June 2, 2020 at 2:38 PM

      I agree

  22. LC on June 28, 2019 at 7:47 PM

    It seems courteous to inspire people to live with less rather than surreptitiously depopulating.

  23. David Simpson on June 9, 2019 at 9:33 PM

    Much of this is false , incorrect and taken out of context. The fact is in 2050 when we reach a population of 10 billion plus, we will be at the limits of the earths capacity to support the human population. I personally believe by then we would have already exhausted out safe drinking water supply, there fore forcing large civil conflicts and mass war. War between governments, between governments and civilian populations, as well as wars between the classes. Corporations and the CEO’s of those corporations will assume control of the world as a whole. The corporation that is first to fully develop AI is the winner/ruler/owner of the worlds resources.
    As for the population boom, the author of this does not consider doubling the population a boom. It took from the beginning of man until 1900 to reach 3 billion, and from 1900 – 1950 to exceed 6 billion. You don’t consider THAT to be a population boom? Population control is necessary. If human kind did not alter the natural flo of things then nature would itself maintain a proper balance thru disease, natural disasters, food shortages, ice ages, droughts and such as it always did, but mankind now has inter feared with these natural controls, there by assuming the responsibility of maintaining control, unless nature decides it wants to keep the crown as ultimate ruler, in that case it will strike down our advanced sciences and abilities to influence disease, food production and climate control.

    • HLI Staff on June 17, 2019 at 1:48 PM

      Thanks for your comments, David. Since “The Population Bomb” was published, many have adhered to the idea the human population would run out of resources already. This theory has been widely discredited. We have statistics showing that in all the West and many other countries – China included – population is way below replacement level. This will have dramatic repercussions which are already harmful, such as shortages of women in Asian countries where female children die of abortion or infanticide because males are preferred. If you wish to cite your source we can certainly have our researcher point you actual numbers.

      • Mbachu, Ikechukwu on April 23, 2020 at 7:02 PM

        Could President Donald Trump be said to be one of the greatest things that has happened to humanity in this century? Cos recent events, prevailing circumstances and, history all seem to reveal his policies as poised to nip most of the diabolic agenda of the US and most of the west. No wonder he seems also to have more internal enemies than any former president of the United States.

        • Town Square on March 17, 2021 at 1:35 PM

          Mbachu, Good observation. President Trump ended up showing how deep and wide the swamp is and was on the road to cleaning it up. However, the swamp is pervasive in scope which is why he is no longer our president. But all is not lost as more and more becomes exposed. That’s what we need, continued exposure of the diabolical nature of what we face. You will see that there are none volunteering to emasculate themselves and/or their children to ensure they are no longer part of the presumed problem. It’s easy for them to offer their thoughts, but harder to be part of the presumed solution.

    • Dan Daugherty on June 20, 2021 at 2:31 PM

      The human species is technology super-charged. As a single organism, the fundamentally unmitigated, environmentally disruptive poisons industrially produced for each human exceeds what would be produced by a herd of radioactive elephants. While our planet is large, it is still also finite. We still — in our billions — feed off of it. When the food source dies, so do we.


  24. Lynne W. on May 4, 2019 at 1:06 AM

    If only what you say were true, insofar as US gov’t attempts to control human population are concerned. You are clearly not a “pro-life” organization, you are just a pro human organization! This planet has a sustainable human population of about 1-1/2 billion, yet it currently suffers under about 7-1/2 billion people! Our numbers are the source of every environmental problem we face: ALL forms of pollution, war, hunger, resource depletion – especially clean drinkable water, and -most tragically of all, the scourge of the extinction of other species, which we did not create, and have absolutely no right to exterminate for our own benefit. Your article reads like it is the usual drivel from certain religious organizations, revealing the primary argument against most organized religion! What complete and utter nonsense! What needs to hapoen is the elimination of the income tax exemption for any more than 2 children per household in the US, and the linking of all foreign aid to an amount allocated on the basis of 2 children per family at most – 1 in the world’s most over-populated countries.

    • HLI Staff on May 16, 2019 at 1:27 PM

      There is no difference to being pro-life and pro-human. Man is made in the image of God, and as such is imbued with natural dignity. You are worried about extermination of animals, which is a worthy cause, but what about the extermination of humans? In India alone 15 million children are aborted every year. And this has not solved their pollution, hunger, etc. one iota. Money is being ideologically allocated by the United Nations for population control that could have paid for electricity to thousands of villages, built thousands of clinics, brought them clean water, etc. These policies are also racist, because they are directed at areas like Asia and Africa and Latin America – population across the West has long been shrinking.

      Please see attached link. Regarding 2-child family policies, we would advise you to look at the drastic horrors this has produced in China, with forced abortions and sterilizations, infanticide, etc. and not enough children to even care or pay for the older generation. Even China is now encouraging more children. To limit a couple’s right to children is a gross violation of human rights. And as for elimination of taxes, well, you know the saying: “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.” If this is not enough data, we would also urge you to look to “The Population Bomb,” which has been so widely discredited that no one takes this seriously.
      http://lifeissues.net/writers/clo/Kissinger_Report_2004.pdf (see page 28 reference)

      • allen on June 2, 2020 at 2:49 PM

        what about HUMAN EXTINCTION ??

    • Rocio Herbert on July 22, 2019 at 8:31 PM

      Lynne, I totally agree with you, except – I do not read this article as pro human… running out of fresh drinking water is not pro human. This article is pro-human-suffering. If more people were the answer, why is it we are having all these environmental issues with almost 8 Billion people on the earth. We have the power to change to smaller families and then IF and WHEN it is needed, we can change to larger families. Why can we not recognize the sign of the times, we are over running the Earth. It is finite. Christians are ‘supposed to be’ stewards of the Earth… “When we see the world as a gift from God, we will do our best to take care of it and use it wisely, instead of poisoning or destroying it.”

      The impending climate catastrophe is clear to most people by now, with intense wildfires, hurricanes, and falling agricultural production.
      “A new study suggests that 40 percent of insect species are in decline. Why is this important? If we don’t stop it, entire ecosystems will collapse due to starvation.” Our survival depends on the ecosystems’ health.

      • Dan Daugherty on June 20, 2021 at 2:14 PM

        It’s not the CDC or the WHO or the globally infecting Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex or any other deifically self-projecting alphabet super-agency in charge, instead, right below our planet’s pyramid-tip oligarchy junta is the corporate money master. The only practical way “progressive” human civilization can, with at least minimal stability, enhance its population is by developing and culturally imposing an all-encompassing and ever-expanding economic hegemony.

        When the value of “money” loses all trust, civilizations implode and large populations self-annihilate. In the end, only the annihilation-masters may survive.


    • HLI Staff on July 26, 2019 at 1:00 PM

      We would respectfully disagree Rocio, and also suggest that you re-evaluate your statistics with regard to population growth. Population isn’t even at replacement level in the western world, and even shrinking in much of the Third World. Some places will be facing a demographic winter as the trend continues. All the millions thrown at Africans for population control methods have not helped the poor; they are merely smaller poor families facing the same poverty. Christ said ‘feed the hungry,’ the Bible, ’though shalt not kill.’ Loving our brothers and sisters means assisting them, not wishing them out of existence.

    • Geoffrey on August 18, 2019 at 2:16 PM

      Wonderful reply to Lynne W !

    • Gregory A McCaulley on January 23, 2020 at 1:12 AM

      Well said.

  25. Don on January 16, 2019 at 10:35 AM

    To get the big picture, here are the simple facts most of us will agree on:
    1. World population is increasing. It has been increasing more rapidly in the last 200 years than in previous recorded history.
    2. Human-caused environmental problems are obvious to anyone who has the vaguest consciousness of what is happening in the world, and the rate of their increase correlates closely with population growth.
    3. If the present population were sustainable, number two would not be true.
    4. Any major social change will have some unfavorable consequences in the short term.
    5. Population explosions are always limited by resource exhaustion, starvation, or other environmental pressures which reverse them, usually rapidly. If population growth reversal and shorter term environmental preservation efforts are unsuccessful, nature will take care of it. Which of the possible scenarios seems less conducive to human misery?

    • Stan on April 20, 2020 at 3:54 PM

      Prosperity has the effect of population mitigation. Where populations realise that infant mortality rates are low they tend to have less children. The whole basis behind population control as cited in this article is the greed of the wealthy elites and their lust for the resources of others. It’s disgusting and evil.

    • allen on June 2, 2020 at 2:47 PM

      If nobody knows pain will everyone be painless? let Mother Nature do it ! no more vaccines. stop and think “just because we can should we”

  26. Richard Fellowes on October 14, 2018 at 12:21 AM

    The author of this article is in la-la land, if he thinks the planet isn’t ALREADY overpopulated. Never mind arguments that population could be sustainable in years to come.

    It might be true that if everyone lived a modest lifestyle, the numbers are okay. But unless everyone suddenly becomes Armish, this isn’t going to happen. Consumerism is deeply entrenched.

    Competition for non-essentials breeds enough discord in society, e.g. having a bigger house than your neighbour. Imagine, once ESSENTIALS are in short supply. Water, for example.

    I expect an increase in conflict.

    Look at the unbelievably cruel atrocities committed in some of the major conflicts: WWI, WWII, Vietnam. And this is before we began stretching the earth to breaking point.

    More people brings more suffering. Because there are more people to suffer. And fewer resources for each of those people.

    This site seems motivated by archaic religious teachings that are frankly dangerous in today’s world. I, myself, am religious. I spend much time in daily prayer and believe I have a relationship with God.

    But I do not believe that all teachings of the Bible are to be taken literally. And some that were, are not suitable for today. Because, plainly, people need to stop breeding. I was brought up in a family hostile to homosexuality, and when younger, this stained my opinions on homosexual relationships. But now I am conscious of our effects on the planet, I say, thank God for homosexuality.

    As for sterilisation…if only the UK had a financial incentive for males, like the Indian scheme cited here. I am considering paying myself.

    I’m certainly not preachy to friends about this. But for me, no children seems *absolutely* the right thing.

    • SocialCritic on September 21, 2023 at 12:21 AM

      Perhaps I have more of a philosophical view than some, but in an enclosed system (earth) I think everything is forced to seek equilibrium one way or another — and that doesn’t just go for the physical realm but just about every facet of life when there are unsustainable levels of distortion.

      Every distortion can be visualized as a ball of rubber bands being stretched in every direction. It looks like a mess. And it tempts us to panic. Maybe we should take away others’ freedoms and rights to save our own hides? But know this desire to exert undue control over others for what it is: A trap. The more chaos and authoritarianism we tolerate in effort to bring CRISIS — climate or otherwise — under control, the more crisis we will see for the effort. Like the fog of war, the results of our best laid plans to manage that which we fear but do not fully understand will not result in the “win” we bargained on. (How many 20th Century wars went as planned? This is the “Law of Great Hubris”! The more one attempts to predict and control outcomes on a large scale, the more chaos ensues for the effort.)

      One way or another, a rebalancing will be achieved, and not necessarily to our credit: If the population grows, we will have resource conflicts and population losses tied to war. If technology grows, we will substitute our consumerist habits for larger family sizes, if not also make family creation increasingly difficult as a consequence of pollution. (Already estrogenic chemicals in the water supply have reduced fertility and increased cancer rates, and so after decades of gains in human life spans those gains are reversing as people become more sedentary and processed-food addicted.)

      Inhabitants of more educated “First World” societies tend to take on the decision to have children with an eye for finances. The luxury of choice is what birth control did for the First World (although I think the real intent for early proponents was to limit the growth of poorer, browner parts of the planet, a goal that has come up short for all of Bill Gates’ efforts). Western European nations are experiencing negative birthrates and the United States, Canada and others are not far behind. This means that white people — to put it bluntly — will go extinct through a failure to replace themselves.

      By opening the floodgates to replacement migration — which contrary to fact checkers in the U.S. is an actual thing, acknowledged in the European white papers, in particular — there is a presumption that migrants/refugees will contribute to the tax base and keep “Pyramid scheme” entitlements going. Overpopulation may be a concern but money wins out in the end, and First World countries are nothing if not hungry for more revenue sources (and future voters) by which to prop up their Big Spending/Big Government ways. But like every pyramid scheme the day will come when the music stops. Most Western countries are drowning in debt, not unlike their Third World neighbors. Of course, they will use this to usher in a cashless society and a global digital ID. So how bad do they want to fix the fiat currency mess they made? Not much. But every distortion will create the drive to restore sanity. And people who are tagged like cattle by a New World Order and herded into Smart Cities will rebel. In the end, the meek will inherit the earth because they never pretended to be able to fix anything. Just getting enough to eat consumed all their time — no funds to make war even if they wanted to. No wealth to blow up the carbon footprint even if they wanted to. And thus, every enclosed system — even global financial systems — will seek equilibrium. How many orphans arose out of the Great Depression? All those babies in a 21st Century global financial crisis will simply never be borne. I can’t say that I endorse the HOW and the WHY these problems will be “self resolving” but I am confident that one way or another Mother Nature will not let us get so far out of hand that the “rubber band” breaks.

      @Richard Fellowes Says he now thanks God for homosexuals. Transgender — if the process begins young enough — are very much in the same boat. If the puberty blockers and surgical procedures begin early enough, the result is impaired fertility. I don’t think it is a coincidence that in light of grave concerns over climate change, we have taken Gender Dysphoria out of the psychiatric realm — which for most children is transient — and tried to convert it to a “Forever Identity”. No doubt it is a “win” for Climate emergency if children who are not old enough to consent to anything else can be sold on permanent changes in the way their bodies and identities function. Even the atheist knows “If you bring up a child in the way he/she/they should go, they will not depart from it”. Transgender rights skipped right over the adults’ heads and landed directly on the children, where battles are now waged to “protect” their rights to medical choice (affirmation). This is no accident. The future IS the children.

      If the chemicals in the water and the GMO food supply doesn’t deal our population numbers a blow, pandemic will. If pandemic doesn’t set us back, famine will (most famines, climate change notwithstanding, are overwhelmingly human caused, BTW. When they outlaw meat and there aren’t enough bugs to go around, it will certainly qualify as “manmade”!) If famine doesn’t set us back, nuclear war will. If nuclear war doesn’t set us back, an asteroid will.

      The upshot? Earth will be here long after we are gone. For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. We can only distort what this planet is capable of handling before it snaps back like a rubber band. There might be fewer of us alive when that happens, but I don’t buy into the idea that governments ought to do anything special to hasten the inevitable. If Mother Nature intends to murder us for the sake of equilibrium, no need to develop bioweapons, mess with the food supply in the name of reducing cow emissions, roll the dice on nuclear war — which itself would have depopulation “benefits” right? — or any other number of draconian, if not genocidal “solutions”.

      We humans are a product of Mother Nature, and Mother Nature in turn God. And God is still in control.

      Every time we attempt to outsmart and second-guess the laws governing enclosed systems, we make our own plight that much more miserable. There is very little in the way of evil that is greater than trying to solve a problem by creating 100 more problems, most of them wholly preventable if humanity — rather than hubris or panic — were a guiding principal. The argument could be made that if we had more respect for our own kind, we might be capable of being more responsible stewards of the planet. But when we let our fellow human being toil in modern-day slavery — all while talking sanctimoniously about the past history of slavery — so we can keep up with the latest iPhone or sport an electric vehicle, the earth-damaging consequences are but a manifestations of greed and a complete lack of sincerity about good-old-fashioned biblical stewardship, let alone John Kerry’s jet-fuel, globe-trotting version of “climate change” awareness. Greedy materialists are not exempt from the laws of this enclosed system. So if we are looking for reasonable things we can do — not freedom-denying, democracy-destroying, sociopathic, fascist solutions — perhaps we should start not with “population control” and reproductive tyranny but with 20th Century “gobalization” that has given rise to massive economies of scale. We won’t need the top 1 percent to “pay their fair share” if first we understood that the Big Government, Big Business machine that supports them is a product of our pipe dream that if we give the government more money they will take better care of us.

      Geologists believed not so long ago that when earthquake faults rupture, they relieve stress. If you suggested, as I did years ago, that the stress (energy) is merely shifted and never dissipated, you were “corrected”. But now it is well accepted that the rupturing of a fault sets up the region for still more earthquakes — not less. In like fashion, our human impulse to come together and set lofty but authoritarian goals on how to “control” a crisis such as overpopulation are bound to create still more causes of crisis that politically, culturally and financially undermine any real ability to change directions in a less drastic, disruptive way. We need to work toward reasonable goals — not grand conspiracies of the New World Order elitist types. They will find that their best-laid plans are just instigators for the kind of instability, whether financial or cultural, that makes real progress unachievable. Better we learn to step back and let Mother Nature seek her own equilibrium. Of course we should do things like reduce our wastefulness and improve our efficiency. But anything so far reaching, manipulative and coercive as to promote serial “affirmation” as a means to end up with “voluntarily” sterile adults who will not reproduce and add to the climate crisis problem, must be seen for what it is: an abuse of children not an affirmation of their “civil rights”.

      Just as we recognize the eugenics abuses of the early to mid- 20th Century, the observation that there are tens of thousands of more transgender-identifying youth than statistically represented in the population in decades past should be evidence that a “promotion” is under way, and not entirely because the powers that be are particularly concerned with children’s mental health. They have their own reasons for singling out children’s right to consent to reproductive-altering drug/surgical procedures that will leave them dependent on the medical system for life for consequences that are largely irreversible. No one looking at this issue should see it as a one-sided “affirmation” or purely as the “greed” of the medical industry, or the “concern” of politicians to protect children. We are in the midst of a climate panic and if it is no longer possible to forcibly compel people to reproduce less, and if they be killed off by plague or other natural causes, then it goes a long way to explain why Western governments are so “committed” to what was once a tiny, statistically inconsequential percentage of the population. Clearly the hope is that transgenders will save us from ourselves by not reproducing. If they willingly sign up to do double-duty for climate panic and human overpopulation, so be it. But how many — being encouraged, if not compelled by the legal system — to be “affirmed” while still children, know what they really signed up for?

  27. theasdgamer on September 26, 2018 at 1:47 PM

    The U.S. fertility rate is below replacement at 1.7. Our policies are discouraging live births. Our country is slowly dying.

  28. theasdgamer on September 26, 2018 at 1:45 PM

    If we look at developing countries, we notice that the fertility rates drop as countries develop. For example, let’s consider the Philippines. It has a fertility rate of 3.02, which is far below its 1955 rate of 7.42. No, we aren’t headed for starvation because less developed countries are still developing.

  29. J. Wallker on September 26, 2018 at 7:44 AM

    You want to talk about non sustainable growth? Look at Arizona. Their water table falls 6 feet every year

  30. Mark on September 23, 2018 at 2:30 AM

    Look up the worlds 100 most populated cities, add up their population numbers, double it for folks living in the country around those cities. Its a ballpark figure, granted. But you may be surprised at the number, and maybe even question how in the heck can there be 7 billion people in the world. It doesn’t even come close.

  31. F. on September 8, 2018 at 7:39 AM

    I don’t know which is scarier: that our government is involved in a worldwide conspiracy or that nobody can bloody compose a paragraph anymore without capitalization, misspellings, and a total lack of grammar. Here’s an example: the united states sould knot have enybodi snipped, sow there aint problems cause i tink thats a reel poblem

  32. ConcernedEuropean on December 30, 2017 at 10:53 AM

    China had a 1 child policy (I believe Kissinger played a role in that?).
    They have moved to a 2 child policy, but some of the damage is done.
    I think if they can level off, they will be fine.

    Europe (especially the Central, East and Southeast) parts are having so little kids its actually worrying me. Similar with Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and all those type nations.

    The areas where I fear problems is India and Bangadesh. They are still quite poor.
    They have toilet problems, they are one of the more packed populations.

    And finally Africa. the UN projections show their population will be growing greatly.
    They can probably handle double the population, but can they handle triple or more people?

    I imagine the “globalist” types will want to keep the low fertility rates and importing more and more from the third world. Europe, North America, Australia will look completely different.

    I have seen fertility rates fall from 3.5-2.5 in white nations to 1.5.
    So how to stop these extremists in positions of power?

  33. Brent Schatz on December 23, 2017 at 12:09 PM

    The global population has doubled in the last 40 years and is projected to double again in the next 36 years. Sooner or later we will reach a point where we need a death lottery (not in our lifetime).
    With technology of today, we are saving more and more lives. More and more children are being born. Our government pays or credits people for having more and more children. Our government is pushing for bigger families.
    Why do all the bleeding hearts in the USA want to continue to let people into the US? Legal or illegal our population is exploding.
    California has a water shortage, they take water from other states, yet, they keep promoting population growth through letting people into the country. I live in Texas and I am noticing more and more people moving here from California because of population, lack of employment and other various reasons.

  34. Carl P. Davis on November 23, 2017 at 8:48 AM

    Please correct me if my information is incorrect but unless I’m mistaken the global population growth was only around 1 billion just a few centuries ago and now today despite two World Wars and numerous other factors that have killed millions of people we have a global population growth of 7 and a half billion people. Today that 7.6 billion mark is the “new- 1 billion” and so quite obviously global “over-population” is already here and heading exponentially higher.

  35. Fungshway on November 11, 2017 at 7:47 PM

    Excellent read just what i was looking for!

  36. Robert Siena on March 28, 2017 at 6:53 AM

    “None Dare call it a Conspiracy” by Gary Allen, 1971 book and youtube speech. The new world order explained. Rockefellers established Population Council in 1950s and still exists today. Wikipedia. The long-lasting (4 years) birth control implants Nexplanon etc. PC developed for 3rd world illiterates is now implanted in US girls. Etonogestral/Nexplanon Lawsuits: this drug can kill or sterilize. Implants are pushed onto career-minded women.

  37. Piedmont Jim on January 27, 2017 at 11:12 AM

    Good article, Dr. Clowes.

    Any perceived need for global population control is no reason to do so using unethical means. That said, we know that Machiavellians are out there and will justify some distorted system of ethics in order to accomplish killing a significant number of people for the hope of the survival of their own progeny.

    It occurred to me that many of the questionable if not downright evil policies we face today are geared toward lowering the birth rate or generating death. Aside from abortion, for example, take the whole homosexuality and transgender issue. What better way to keep people from having babies and getting them to willfully submit to sterilization? Also, I had not known about the Ugandan tactic. It would be interesting to see the statistics on STDs in countries that provide condoms to their people versus countries that don’t. Another example may be the intentional arming of radical Islam. What better way than war to get people killed off.

    On the other side of it, genetic research is moving along by leaps and bounds. The reason, I suspect, is that eugenics is the other side of the coin. For those that remain, they want to ensure that all the genetic diseases are eradicated. It’s another reason for pushing prenatal testing with an eye toward aborting defective children.

    • Carl P. Davis on November 23, 2017 at 8:58 AM

      Two World Wars as well as the great influenza outbreak after the First World War, etc. etc. haven’t made a dent in our world’s population as we have gone from 1 billion to 7.6 billion people in less than three centuries. Quite obviously drastic measures need to be taken such as no food aid to impoverished countries. Look whats happened to Haiti as an example of the microcosm to the macrocosm. mass sterilization should be implemented to countries that won’t comply with willing population control, no more than 2 children per family for example. I agree with the eugenics and also prenatal testing with the abortion of problematic fetuses.

    • Jen on July 28, 2018 at 4:38 PM

      I agree. These are difficult decisions to make but much more difficult will be watching our grand children suffer without basic resources that we now taken for granted. We need to continue to promote population control but also promote minimalistic living. As populations decrease and education becomes more of a focus in developing nation’s so will it’s populations’ need for personal independence. Imagine if the entire population of India suddenly had the desire to each have their own home and one or two cars. We not only need less people. We also need to be using less resources. Tiny houses everybody!?!

      • marshal k mitchell jr. on November 25, 2021 at 4:16 AM

        Let me break this nonsense of overpopulated earth for you In terms you might be able to wrap your head around.. a new perspective on over population… today it is estimated that there are about 7.9 billion people on the entire earth… that is the current population as of now… do you know that every single human on this planet would fit inside the state of Texas with 91.3 square feet of open space between each person! Yes we could all fit inside one single state here in the United states.. now that leaves the entire rest of the world completely deserted without any population whatsoever… so please explain to me how is it that anyone in their right mind could ever come to the conclusion that the world is overpopulated and then justify within themselves to agree that other human beings should be killed off to promote the future generations? Anyone that thinks this way is clearly delusional and hasn’t even tried to consider anyone else’s lives or families…. with that said I know that our government executes population control by genocide every 100 years here in the United states.. which is exactly what covid 19 is all about. The last pandemic was 1918 to 1920 the Spanish flu that killed millions of people world wide… this 100 year government genocide can be tracked back to the 1500s with a simple research into it… but I totally disagree with the overpopulation problem… common sense and a little bit of self study and research proves that its all a farce! Its not exactly rocket science anyone should be able to do a little simple arithmetic for themselves to understand it but instead people just beleive whatever the government says and claims to be true! Wake up and realize that the governments are not our friends nor are they trying to help anyone other than themselves for their own personal gains and power! The same goes for the so called global warming issue they claim that threatens our future… its easily debunked with simple common sense critical thinking! Its all about control and brainwashing to keep society dumbed down for their own personal gains!

    • Dixie Lee on October 29, 2018 at 4:45 PM

      I AGREE! However, using barbaric surgeries on a woman is so expensive, dangerous, and complicated. Join me in promoting the MUCH easier, safer, AND cheaper fix of simply snipping all the men so they may remain permanently flaccid. It would leave them with the dignity of keeping all their perfect right to fatherhood, and eradicate horrendous costs of rapes everywhere. The minimal cost would be to provide a tube which does triple duty of sucking, catching, and inserting the semen into a woman who wants to carry it, and SO SIMPLE! The tubes would only be used once or twice to accomplish desirable pregnancies.

      • Brad Hicks on July 6, 2020 at 5:39 PM

        There is a consideration to be undertaken. Quantity of human life vs Quality of human life. While as the video points out the historical progress of humanity along with pop. growth, must also consider that present condtions must be considered. The planet has a finite carrying capacity for life, all over, not just humans. We must consider situation and plan accordingly which would be better than I think than simply letting nature take it’s course. Easter Island is example of human pop. overusing its environment. There are others. While the motivations for pop. control in the Kissinger document are self centered it doesn’t follow that any and all pop. management motivations are also. It’s a hard issue. Frankly, I don’t see humanity addressing it successfully.

    • LC on June 28, 2019 at 7:40 PM

      China’s population control is having devastating effects, socially. The burden one one or perhaps two children to care for older parents is overwhelming, leading some to abandon their parents (leading to laws to prosecute people for doing this) and on others to commit suicide. Those who shoulder the burden have a huge struggle. I’m concerned that there are so many people in the world like you, who have so little regard for human life.

      • SloopJB on August 24, 2023 at 4:07 PM

        The souls of the millions of girls that were aborted in China are coming back to haunt them..

    • Ken Shersley on December 2, 2023 at 2:00 AM

      Well said.

  38. Jack B. on October 28, 2016 at 7:41 PM

    Who is identified with the Global Climate Agenda? Could they be connected to the “Global Population Control Agenda”? Connection or not the vast majority of scientist say our planet is under siege and stressed. Some naysayers utter that the planet goes through climate change every 10K years or so. That is true. However, during this cycle one thing is different… Mother Earth is supporting, feeding and disposing of waste for 8 billion humans and 10s of billions of other forms of life. Scientists say that Mother earth is under stress. With all his knowledge on the subject presidential candidate Donald Trump calls global climate message a “hoax”. Needless to say he will not get our vote. Is there further evidence?
    The Artic and Greenland ice shelves are melting, seas have risen and there is evidence of a threat to costal communities. Moreover, human activity and encroachment into formerly pristine regions plays havoc on the ecology. Today “Papa” Hemmingway would not be able to write his novel “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” because the mountain’s snow cap is all but gone.

    Then, look at our food producers. For strictly economic reasons they are injecting and spraying lethal substances into our food in order to speed maturity.

    God save the planet.

  39. U.S. Aid: What's the Catch? - Altermidya on October 18, 2016 at 7:08 PM

    […] Philippines. In 1974, the USAID and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), among others, produced the “Kissinger Report”. It said that population growth threatens US access to the natural resources of poor countries. A […]

  40. Jason John James Gomez on July 15, 2016 at 10:13 PM

    Well its states in our constitution those that have the ability (Government or Elite) have the responsibility to take action. Now what are the responsibility well population control could be one. China should be down sized by all means nesessary in my book not the united states at about 500,000.000. All women in the world should hav there tubes tied at the age of 10 so they can live there lives with out getting pregnat by force by under age by wrong choice in there lives an cant get pregnat til the age of 25 if they chose to do so. That way they can live free from the fear of bringing in babies to a world were there lives are not addiquit. No why not snip the male. Now the women would say well once a man is snip there is no coming back as a women can get un-tied an then can have kids but only 2 kids. With the man she marries if she is to divorce the man she with she will get her tubes tied an can never have kids with no other man same goes for the man he has kids an divorces his wife he gets snip an is not allow to have kids with other women that alone should stop both sides from having kids with everybody they get in volve with. Is it crule an over controling not in my book it is comon sense to help keep the population down an help the planet as well an force the people to stay together which if they do they will be allowed to have 2 more children after 20yrs of being together if they are up to it. No ofcourse this New World Law will be implimented by the vote of all the people an government to try to understand that we need to do this for the World sake not just our own feelings. This J.J.J.G of Spanish decent born as an American. . .

    • joe on September 26, 2017 at 9:58 AM

      Some people WISH they could make everyone on the planet do what they say, as if they are gods to be obeyed. As if the lies (bogus science) that they shroud themselves in is a regal cloak. Not going to work. They can keep lying and keep failing. The satanic new world order types are destined for destruction, and sooner than you think. And even prior to that, no reasonable, free people are going to subject their bodies to government dissection and domination like the poor, subservient chinese. It is curious to see the money printing and government bribing “elite” pretend to be the guardians of the human race. The are only the masters of fools, those too braindead to see through their lies.

    • Wendy on March 20, 2020 at 12:16 PM


      • Barbara Harris on September 1, 2023 at 1:40 AM

        This is a great article which debunks the ‘greatness’ of Kissinger who as a close friend of the Rockefeller’s became their ‘agent’ in the nefarious agenda of genocide
        It is sickening to know that theres people in the world who think Kissinger is a great mind – he was an evil snake who found his way up the ladder to the Rockefeller family and proceeded to promote their agenda with no conscience whatsoever

    • Vanessa on July 11, 2020 at 1:11 AM

      Wow indeed … Women do have rights … The right to choose … Who do you people think you are? !!!!

      • Walter on August 13, 2020 at 12:29 AM


        The right to choose what? You don’t say. Why is that? I suspect it is because saying “the right to kill an innocent human being” is not persuasive.

        • Connie on September 29, 2021 at 9:10 AM

          The right to choose whether or not to risk their lives and have children, the right to decide how many children to have, the right to decide when to have children. NOBODY, especially NOT the government, should force women to have children. Giving birth is literally to risk one’s life. Thankfully, today’s maternal death rate is much better than it was 100 years ago, but it’s not zero. And raising children is the most important job a person can do and the hardest. Not all people are suited to be parents. We all know this. Let’s acknowledge it. Men need to step up and take responsibility over their penises. EVERY SINGLE UNWANTED PREGNANCY IS CAUSED BY MEN. Yet abortion is deemed a woman’s issue alone. It is certainly a woman’s choice alone. She has to live with the consequences; the government should not butt in to the choices she makes in family planning and dealing with her health. If a person doesn’t “believe” in abortion, fine – I respect that. Don’t ever consider getting an abortion. But you do not get to force your “beliefs” on to other Americans. America cannot constitutionally use the beliefs of one religion to legislate laws that govern all Americans of many different religious beliefs, or no religious beliefs at all. Many believe abortion is “murder”. Just as many do not believe a collection of cells, that becomes a fetus that cannot live outside a uterus, can be “murdered”. Any more than a masterbating man who “wastes” his living sperm (in the Bible, a man “spilling his seed” is considered a sin) has “murdered” a possible future child. Think about it. This is a personal choice with extreme consequences that will result from whatever decision a woman makes. Who better to make that decision – the woman herself or the GOVERNMENT? Should a bunch of old men who don’t even understand a woman’s reproductive cycle be in charge of what a woman can choose to do during the different phases of her reproductive cycle? Should you, her male neighbor? We all know deep down, the decision should be the woman’s. Nobody else.

          • HLI Staff on September 29, 2021 at 9:45 AM

            This author respectfully disagrees. Men do not make babies alone; it takes two, a man and a woman. It’s also true that some men pressure women into having an abortion. When a woman or a couple decide to abort, it ends the life of a child, who is not the mother nor the father, but a completely distinct human being.

      • Don on November 5, 2020 at 4:46 PM

        You can choose. But if you choose to kill the reaction is that in your next birth you will be the subject of the abortion. You cause suffering to other living beings then that suffering will come back to you.

        • Kingston on July 23, 2021 at 12:40 AM


        • james bakersville on July 24, 2021 at 3:45 AM

          do you believe in your birth?…

      • Candrika on March 6, 2021 at 2:09 PM

        Krsna says, you are given a small amount of free-will, and with this also is to follow absolutely the tenets of all life of God, Krsna, and that is, ‘thall shall not kill’… the hell you will go to you cannot comprehend yet…please do not promote abortion, it is heinous beyond reproach…think very very carefully….Hare Krsna

        • kagaba Karatunga on August 26, 2022 at 3:15 PM

          USA it’s not because cares about Humanity but it’s business is to steal the Poor’s Country resources and kill life.

      • Karen Bracken on August 23, 2021 at 3:08 PM

        Yes women and all people have the right to choose but when a woman decides to kill her unborn child she is making a choice for another life not hers. Her choice came when she decided to lay down and have unprotected sex. In todays world there is no reason to ever get pregnant when you don’t want to. Abortion is how they desensitize people to human life and the next step is to kill the already born and that might just one day include you or someone you love. If you act irresponsibly then you must not make other life pay the price for your decisions.

        • Norman goodman on September 9, 2022 at 10:01 AM

          Totally agree 👍

      • JAMES on November 15, 2021 at 1:03 PM

        They do have the right to not get pregnant, but not to end a life(that is not their own), once they are pregnant. Why is it that if someone kills a pregnant women they are charged with two murders? But, if it is the women herself who snuffs out an innocent child life it is considered OK?

    • Java on February 8, 2021 at 12:56 AM

      Stop messing with the laws of nature! God said ‘Increase and multiply’. Leave things alone, God is in control!

    • Christopher Quero on March 17, 2021 at 8:53 PM

      Wow. This world is not over populated maybe the city but the world . people come and go so we need more people and more ppl to farm locally.. He we dont grow our own food then at home or a public gardens to people to grow and buy food.. They want control that why they want to kill off people but it going to back fire. Only a hand full of people want the world to burn and the other 99 percent dont they just mislead untill god so him self. No one really want to be bad it what situation we in.. God will when that why they rushing it but if this happen it going to happen as a ww3 ….

    • John Doran on April 19, 2021 at 8:31 AM

      Read Merchants Of Despair, by nuclear PhD engineer Robert Zubrin.
      This book proves that population destruction also destroys prosperity.
      It also exposes the global warming/climate change fraud.
      Nuclear power is compared to oil & coal power also.
      A grim expose of our grim reality, it’s well referenced & indexed.
      Population growth is shown to force progress & prosperity,
      citing heavily the brilliant economist Julian L. Simon & his great book:
      The Ultimate Resource 2, looking back at data covering the last 500 years.

      • William on July 23, 2021 at 1:38 PM

        Many thanks John for the reference to the book ‘Merchants of Despair’ – will check it out. Thanks for posting.

    • But dart Dave on May 9, 2021 at 10:28 AM

      Spoken like a true sociopath! I bet your a liberal Democrat. Lol

    • Char on October 10, 2023 at 8:21 PM

      You are not very bright are you? Do the math. Women can’t just be untied it is not that simple. Make rape a death penalty. Child rape death penalty. Make morals and values and faith in God great again. Children won’t be born out of wedlock. As for China they don’t have enough women for all the men. So that idea was not a good one. God knows what the earth needs we all need to stop thinking we know more than him

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