A Pro-Life Warrior and Everyday Hero

Dr. Rene Bullecer – HLI’s country director in the Philippines.
Here is a hypothetical question for you: What would you do if your government said they would pay you to promote the culture of death?
Well, this actually happened to someone I know very well.
Let me introduce you to Dr. Rene Bullecer — HLI’s country director in the Philippines. He is a faithful Catholic and dedicated pro-life warrior just like you, and he knew what the secular response would do to his beloved homeland of the Philippines.
He is a pro-life warrior and an HLI missionary.
He is also saving the Philippines from the scourge of HIV/AIDS. Trained in HIV Medicine, Dr. Bullecer is one of the leading experts in the Philippines about the growing global HIV and AIDS crisis.
One day, because he is a well-known expert in this field, the Filippino government offered him a job. However, the government asked him if he would promote NOT the Culture of Life but rather the culture of death.
What did he say to his government?
Well, I will let him answer that question.
“In 1994, I was offered a job with the Department of Health as the Program Manager for HIV/AIDS Program. I rejected the offer despite the very high salary because I would be promoting condoms knowing that this is not effective in preventing the spread of HIV.”
Dr. Bullecer did what any faithful Catholic would do.
Inspired by his Catholic faith, Dr. Bullecer was inspired to promote the Culture of Life!
Since he declined this job, Dr. Bullecer has been a Pro-Life warrior in his home country. Today he travels across the country and gave talks, seminars, symposia and organized a series of training on HIV Prevention. Often, he speaks to an audience of 500 lay leaders, sharing with them how to combat the anti-faith and anti-life agendas penetrating Filipino culture.
Dr. Rene Bullecer, physician and head of HLI’s Filipino affiliate, is active every day of the week on media in the Philippines, esp. through our pro-life radio network
Now my question to you is: How is God calling you to be a Pro-Life warrior in your community?
Please leave your comment below to share with the HLI community.
Lauren, what a wonderful witness you are to the Life cause. God calls us to different paths; you are called perhaps to the first types of activities you mention, as opposed to praying outside clinics. Please keep up the wonderful work you are being given the grace to do; and you know, we need a lot of armchair rosary prayers, too! 😉 God bless you!
My husband and I will attend the RTL March 2020. We volunteer for Lifenet 2020 NJ (working to pass legislation in NJ that will make abortion illegal after 20 weeks, the point at which a child is pain capable).Help at pregnancy resource centers. Work with our parish RTL ministry (this is great because they find and organize projects). Get email notifications that let us contact our legislators when life and religious freedom issues are being voted on. Keep ourselves ready to speak on life issues by prayer and education.
We did pray outside an abortion clinic once. It was very distressing! The clinic was on the main street of a lovely NJ town, all cinder blocks on the first floor with only a caged door to enter. It was between a head shop and a marijuana cafe. Surreal that these places could be open and accepted right next to gift boutiques and family restaurants. They stand as a comment on our culture.
I’m taking part in the 40 days for life but with a twist. There is no abortion clinic here but an IVF clinic. Hope we can educate and shut them down.
Jeanne, thanks for sharing your IVF “twist”. We can learn from one another. You are a creative and energetic champion for Life!
I am also part of your team of pro life in Tanzania. My club is called Youth for Life. It is for University Students in Iringa Zone, under Pro life Tanzania, I hope you know it and myself very well. The work is still big, to fight against the anti lifers. Let us continue to pray for God’s assistance and mercy!!!
Fr. Amani Nyoni OSB – Iringqa Tanzania.
Dear Father, we are so glad to be working with you! This writer may get to Tanzania one day but for now, HLI applauds you, another warrior, from afar! Thank you for your witness to the priesthood and to Life.
I can’t go out to be a warrior but I pray every day for those who do.
Mary, I am reminded of the cloistered nuns and religious who do the important, and silent, work of prayer and also of St. Benedict’s “Ora et labora” (pray and work). Some are called to support work through prayer, and together we witness to Life!
I’m a part of the 40 days for life campaign that was in Bangor praying against the abortion clinic and plan to go to Augusta to pray against that one too.
Our prayers go with you to Maine, Patricia! We appreciate your pro-life work.