Double Your Impact with a Limited time Matching Gift Opportunity: Deadline July 31st

Abortion is not the only choice. Will you let struggling moms know help is available?

Right now, there’s a scared, teenage girl who thinks abortion is her only option.

Your help is needed to reach her in time. Otherwise, this young mom will fall into the abortion trap.

Right now, our family of donors supports pregnancy care centers in developing countries around the world. Thanks to the generosity of pro-lifers like you, women receive baby supplies, medical aid, and other resources. So many lives are saved this way!

But simply running a pregnancy center isn’t enough. Moms need to know pro-life aid exists. Otherwise, they’ll abort their children, never knowing there’s another option.

The quickest way you can reach abortion-minded moms is by radio and TV. By helping purchase airtime, you’ll make sure women know that abortion is never the answer. There is hope.

In developing countries, one minute of airtime costs about $30. Will you give $30 right now to tell abortion-bound moms that help is available?

If you give right now, a generous donor will match your gift up to $75,000! That means that your $30 gift can send $60 to the mission field, and secure two minutes of airtime instead of one!

Don’t let this opportunity pass. Now is the time when your gift can make the biggest difference. And if you wait, it might be too late for the next mom in need.

There was a story like that not long ago in Africa.

A young girl made some unchaste choices and became pregnant. When they found out, her parents threw her out and her boyfriend abandoned her.

She couldn’t support a child alone. The only path forward she saw was abortion.

Thankfully she found out she had other options before her appointment day arrived.

She heard about a nearby pregnancy care center through a radio program. The missionaries there helped her get medical care and baby supplies, stay in school, and reconcile with her parents.

Her story has a happy ending. But it’s heartbreaking to think what could have happened if things had been just a little different.

What if the funding for that radio program had come in just a few weeks later? This scared mom might not have realized she had other options until it was too late.

Please send your best gift right away, while there’s still time to save the next life. The deadline to have your gift matched is July 31st!

Thank you so much for your prompt action and your generous heart. You are an essential part of the pro-life mission.

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Rereading Contraception Encyclical in Light of the Woke Revolution

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