Abortion Procedures
5 resources:
The Hard Cases
7 resources:
Effects of Abortion
4 resources:
Revealing Pro-Abortion Myths
14 myths:
- "No abortion means no ectopic pregnancy treatment"
- "Legal abortion prevents 'back-alley' abortions"
- "Abortion restrictions don't prevent abortions"
- "Abortion saves women's lives"
- "Abortion is safer than childbirth"
- "Pro-lifers only care about babies before they're born"
- "Abortion reduces crime"
- "Abortion is only considered wrong from religious standpoints"
- "Women should have control over their own bodies"
- "The pro-life movement is racist"
- "Pro-life rhetoric causes violence"
- "Most abortions happen in the 'hard cases'"
- "Abortion only affects women"
- "Men have no right to be pro-life"
Abortion Statistics
14 resources:
- Number of U.S. Abortions
- Reasons for Late-Term Abortions
- Reasons for All Abortions
- Impact of Abortion on the U.S.
- Abortion and Maternal Death Rates
- Legalizing Abortion and "Back-Alley Abortion" Rates
- Number of Medically Necessary Abortions
- Abortion Survival
- Abortion and Crime Rates
- Abortion's Impact on Welfare Costs
- Welfare's Impact on Abortion Rates
- Finances of the Pro-Life Movement
- Planned Parenthood: Facts and Figures
- Planned Parenthood Abortion Statistics
Planned Parenthood
13 resources:
Abortion and Politics
14 resources:
- Abortion and the Constitution
- Effects of Abortion Laws
- The Right to Choose
- Having Different Personal and Public Stances on Abortion
- Abortion's Impact on Welfare Costs
- Welfare's Impact on Abortion Rates
- Medicaid Abortion Coverage
- Abortion and Crime Rates
- Should Aborting Women Be Punished?
- Media Bias on Abortion
- Pro-Lifers and Feminism
- The "Abortion Holocaust"
- Gonzales vs. Carhart
- Planned Parenthood vs. Casey
Pro-Life Activism
10 resources:
- Getting Involved
- Talking to Someone Considering Abortion
- Alternatives to Abortion
- Urging Adoption
- Should We Interfere with the Abortion Decision?
- Pro-Life Strategies: Pragmatic or "No Exceptions"?
- Merging Pro-Life Groups
- Should Pro-Lifers Be "Single-Issue"?
- Pro-Life Rhetoric
- Crisis Pregnancy Centers
For Pregnant and Post-Abortive Parents
5 resources:
Exposing the Pro-Abortion Movement
5 resources:
Key Figures
7 resources
Abortion and Religion
5 resources
Catholic Church Teaching
11 resources:
- What's a Culture of Life?
- Historical Church Teaching on Abortion
- Abortion and Excommunication
- The Principle of Double Effect
- The Church on Vaccine Ethics
- Are Aborted Babies in Heaven?
- Why Should Celibate Priests Have an Opinion on Abortion?
- The Principle of Probabilism
- Mary, Protector of Life
- Prayers for the Unborn
- Prayers for a Culture of Life
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