About the Author

Susan Ciancio has a BA in psychology and a BA in sociology from the University of Notre Dame, with an MA in liberal studies from Indiana University. Since 2003, she has worked as a professional editor and writer, editing both fiction and nonfiction books, magazine articles, blogs, educational lessons, professional materials, and website content. Fourteen of those years have been in the pro-life sector. Currently Susan writes weekly for HLI, edits for American Life League, and is the editor of its Celebrate Life Magazine. She also serves as executive editor for the Culture of Life Studies Program, an educational nonprofit program for k-12 students.

The Importance of Strong, Catholic Fathers

By Susan Ciancio / October 2, 2024 /
Reclaiming Fatherhood

On my mantle sits a beautiful statue of the Holy Family. Joseph is seated on a chair and holding Baby Jesus. Mary is reclined on the floor, with her head on Joseph’s lap, fast asleep and safe in his presence. Joseph cradles the baby in one arm, while the other protectively surrounds Mary. The love…

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Catholic Parenting

By Susan Ciancio / September 3, 2024 /

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus said to His disciples, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”   Our calling as Catholic parents is to take Jesus’ words to heart and not only teach our children about Him but give them the…

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The Reality of Partial-Birth Abortion

By Susan Ciancio / August 23, 2024 /
3d rendered illustration of a human fetus at week 24

For thousands of years, people have found ways to kill unwanted babies. From taking pills to tearing a child to pieces prior to birth to even throwing a baby off a cliff, it often seems that any method will do. Parents seek only the end result—being rid of the baby. All abortion is tragic because…

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Catholic Dating in a Secular World

By Susan Ciancio / July 23, 2024 /

One of the most exciting and rewarding things in our lives can also be one of the most intimidating and perplexing. We’re talking about dating. But not just any kind of dating. Catholic dating.  With such a wide range of people out there and so many different ideas about this subject, it can be difficult…

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What Is Homeschooling, and Am I Qualified to Homeschool My Child?

By Susan Ciancio / June 25, 2024 /
bookshelf with classic books

The education of children is of vital importance. And it’s a parent’s first responsibility. The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains that parents “bear witness to this responsibility first by creating a home where tenderness, forgiveness, respect, fidelity, and disinterested service are the rule. The home is well suited for education in the virtues.” Understanding…

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What Is Pronatalism?

By Susan Ciancio / June 14, 2024 /

In 2014 in Fourni, Greece, not one single baby was born. The same was true in 2015. In 2012, only one child was born in the town of Lestijärvi, Finland. What is happening in these countries is not an anomaly. Countries throughout Europe are seeing population declines that their governments are trying desperately to reverse.…

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The Creighton Model of Natural Family Planning

By Susan Ciancio / June 13, 2024 /
natural family planning chart

In the US, we value our freedom. The developers of the birth control pill capitalized on this desire. They claim the pill gives women freedom to control their bodies and their reproduction. When you tell a lie often enough, people begin to believe it. In this case, they literally swallow it. But freedom doesn’t come…

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Teen Porn Addiction

By Susan Ciancio / June 11, 2024 /
teenage girl on her phone in a coffee shop

Porn is something that many people are reluctant to talk about. It makes us uncomfortable. Sometimes we don’t want to talk about it because it’s embarrassing. Or it’s embarrassing to our children. But, with the prevalence of porn and the ease with which kids can access it, these are conversations we must have in order…

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Is Antinatalism Creeping into Society?

By Susan Ciancio / June 4, 2024 /
thomas malthus

Imagine a world where no human beings exist. Animals are free to roam. Plants grow uninhibited. The biggest and strongest survive. This is the ultimate goal of antinatalism. From a Christian perspective, it’s difficult to imagine the purpose of a world with no humans. We know from the book of Genesis that God did not…

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The Catechism of the Catholic Church on IVF

By Susan Ciancio / June 4, 2024 /
embryologist at a liquid nitrogen bank containing sperm and egg samples

Nowhere else on earth except on a skinny white plastic stick can two vertical lines create such immense joy. What’s represented by those two lines—the culmination of marital love and unity—is the fulfillment of long-held hopes and dreams. Indeed, they often evoke tears of happiness and maybe even a little victory dance. These two lines…

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