About the Author

Marisa Cantu has a master's in political science and international affairs and a bachelor's in political science. She has also studied international studies and French. She has a strong background in nonprofit work, research, writing, and policy proposal and analysis.

Canada MAID Mental Illness Expansion Delayed

By Marisa Cantu / February 9, 2024 /

Canada has delayed the impending change to their euthanasia laws that would have expanded euthanasia to those whose sole underlying condition is a mental illness. We recently reported that this expansion was set to take effect in March of 2024 after being delayed from March of 2023. Last week, Canada delayed the expansion once again…

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HLI Nigeria Helps 8 Couples Get Married

By Marisa Cantu / February 1, 2024 /
8 cohabiting couples in nigeria got married

HLI Nigeria has just helped 8 couples at St. James Chaplaincy Ndiorah practice chastity and get married. These 8 couples had been cohabiting; some even had cohabitated for more than 17 years! HLI Nigeria offered marriage preparatory materials to these couples, who then lived apart while going through marriage prep. The program culminated in the…

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Social Problems and the Eugenics Debate: Is Eugenics Ethical?

By Brian Clowes, PhD and Marisa Cantu / January 29, 2024 /
The Eugenic Record Office's 1912 Field Worker's Conference

If any single age really attains, by eugenics and scientific education, the power to make its descendants what it pleases, all men who live after are the patients of that power, slaves to the dead hand of the great planners and conditioners. If man chooses to treat himself as raw material, raw material he will…

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Abortifacient Brief: Why Was Depo Provera Banned?

By Brian Clowes, PhD and Marisa Cantu / January 29, 2024 /
poverty in africa

The birth control shot, Depo-Provera (DP), is an injectable contraceptive drug that sometimes has an abortifacient effect. While the intention behind using it is simply to prevent pregnancy, it also possesses a long list of shocking risks and side effects. Related: Abortifacients vs Contraceptives: Do Contraceptives Cause Abortion?   A Brief History of Abusing Poor…

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First Catholic Pro-Life Center Just Opened in Belarus

By Marisa Cantu / January 22, 2024 /

A pro-life center has just opened up in Belarus! Director of Open Hearts Foundation is happy to announce Life Center, which opened in December 2023 in Mogilev, Belarus. The center holds meetings and seminars for people from all walks of life, showing them how they can choose life in any circumstance. They teach students how…

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Surrogacy Ethics: What Did Pope Francis Say?

By Marisa Cantu / January 15, 2024 /
man handing cash

Pope Francis has recently spoken about surrogacy, saying: In this regard, I deem deplorable the practice of so-called surrogate motherhood, which represents a grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child, based on the exploitation of situations of the mother’s material needs. A child is always a gift and never the basis…

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What’s the Lifespan of a Gay Friend?

By Brian Clowes, PhD and Marisa Cantu / January 11, 2024 /
two men sitting at river picture from the back

Despite the scientific evidence to the contrary, pro-homosexual group tend to insist that living the active homosexual “lifestyle” is just as healthy as heterosexuality. Some of the claims made by pro-homosexual groups are ridiculous on their face. For example, in its comically misnamed Intelligence Report, the Southern Poverty Law Center claimed: MYTH #4: LGBT people…

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How Many Planned Parenthood Clinics Offer Prenatal Care?

By Emily Capps and Marisa Cantu / January 11, 2024 /

Planned Parenthood’s website claims, “Only a small number of Planned Parenthood health centers offer the full range of prenatal care services,” though they do offer referrals. The truth is: Planned Parenthood rarely offers prenatal services—and certainly not a “full range” of them. A select few Planned Parenthood clinics offer limited prenatal services, but most only…

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HLI’s Adoption Program Brings Hope

By Marisa Cantu / January 10, 2024 /

Dr. Imre Téglásy, Director of HLI Hungary, is an abortion survivor. His father was a major in WWII. When communism took over Hungary, Imre’s family was kicked out of Budapest and pushed into the plains (puszta) of Hungary, registered as “class enemies.” They were not allowed to leave the puszta. His father struggled to find…

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Navigating End-of-Life Care: Can There Be Catholic Living Wills?

By Brian Clowes, PhD and Marisa Cantu / January 10, 2024 /
patient signing last will and testament with lawyer

“Evil committed for a good cause remains evil.” “Even when it succeeds?” “Above all when it succeeds.” ~Victor Hugo, History of a Crime (1877)1 An advance medical directive (AMD) is a legal document that allows a person to specify the medical treatment he wants and does not want in case he becomes incapable of making his…

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