Every year, millions of women are devastated to learn that they either have difficulty conceiving a baby or that they’re infertile. While being part of such a large group often makes people feel included and comfortable, being a part of this particular group does the opposite. It makes women feel incredibly alone. The desire for…
Read MoreLike thousands of couples across the country, Jacinta and Mike had tried unsuccessfully to conceive a baby. When a friend told them about NaProTECHNOLOGY, they thought they’d give it a try. To their utter joy, they were successful! According to the couple, “After three cycles of accurate tracking and becoming our own fertility experts, we…
Read MoreOne of the most amazing gifts of a marriage is children. The excitement of a new life coming into the world cannot be matched by much. That’s why it’s so difficult, as a faithful people, to witness the sadness of couples who face infertility. With our country’s advances in technology, couples facing infertility have myriad…
Read MoreInfertility affects about 6.7 million people each year. That’s one out of every eight couples. The crushing effects of being unable to conceive a baby can lead to loneliness, depression, anger, and heartache. If you’re carrying the cross of infertility, know that you do not carry it alone. God is always with you. And He…
Read MoreWhat are good and faithful Catholics supposed to do when they encounter the anguish or despair in life that comes from an inability to do something they desperately want and that seems so natural—like having children? How should we apply our ability to trust to a situation like this? Proverbs 3:5 tells us: “Trust in…
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