Mission Stories

Women are Finding Joy in HLI Mission Field

By Marisa Cantu / May 17, 2024 /

Stories of hope are plentiful in the HLI mission field! Elizabeth suffered from sub-infertility for 8 years. This broke her heart, wearing her down as the years went on and she was still unable to have a child. She joined HLI’s fertility awareness program two years ago. Finally, by the grace of God, she became…

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Men’s Rosary Begging Forgiveness for Failing Women

By Marisa Cantu / May 10, 2024 /

Taking inspiration from Our Lady’s requests and St. Louis de Montfort’s writings, HLI Ireland’s executive director Patrick McCrystal organized a men’s Rosary in 2021. The men pray while kneeling in public settings before a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Humbling themselves before the greatest of all women, they pray for repentance, reparation, and to…

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The HLI Rome Library is Bringing the Faith to Students, Lay and Religious

By Marisa Cantu / April 18, 2024 /
seminarians from poland at HLI Rome library

The HLI Rome Library, which is celebrating its 36th year, holds more than 7,600 volumes, many magazines, and digital resources. This library is unique as it is strictly pro-life and pro-family, specializing in topics related to the culture of life and family issues. These issues range from abortion, euthanasia, and contraception to transhumanism, marriage, artificial…

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Beautiful Results of Pro-Life Movement in the Philippines

By Marisa Cantu / April 16, 2024 /

HLI’s work in the Philippines is yielding beautiful results! Dr. Rene Bullecer, HLI’s country director in the Philippines, recalls meeting Attorney Ramon and Mrs. Victoria Bayan in Iloilo City for the National Family & Life Congress. The two embraced Dr. Bullecer and recalled a conference in 2018 in Baguio City. At this pro-life conference, Dr.…

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Chastity Training Helping Youth in Lesotho

By Marisa Cantu / April 15, 2024 /
Fr Francis Makheta

Women in Lesotho are in a dire situation. Recent estimates say that, between 2015-2019, 67% of all pregnancies in Lesotho were unintended. 24% of unintended pregnancies resulted in an abortion. According to these estimates, about 15.9% of all pregnancies ended in an abortion. Abortion in Lesotho is only legal in “necessary situations” (such as to…

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HLI Rwanda Isn’t Backing Down From Anti-Life Challenges

By Marisa Cantu / March 28, 2024 /

HLI Rwanda is continuing to educate youth about the dangerous effects that masturbation, fornication, pornography, and homosexuality have on one’s life, and leading the charge is the director of HLI Rwanda, Aloys. He teaches participants how life is a gift from God, that sex is a powerful and intimate expression of true love meant to…

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Woman With Unplanned Pregnancy Finds Hope and Healing with HLI’s Program

By Marisa Cantu / March 25, 2024 /

Chisomo of Malawi got pregnant from her boyfriend. Her parents were church leaders and were most concerned about their public image. When they discovered their daughter’s pregnancy, they chased her out of their home, worried what others would say. Chisomo’s boyfriend also abandoned her, leaving without a trace upon finding out that he was a…

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HLI Nigeria Helps 8 Couples Get Married

By Marisa Cantu / February 1, 2024 /
8 cohabiting couples in nigeria got married

HLI Nigeria has just helped 8 couples at St. James Chaplaincy Ndiorah practice chastity and get married. These 8 couples had been cohabiting; some even had cohabitated for more than 17 years! HLI Nigeria offered marriage preparatory materials to these couples, who then lived apart while going through marriage prep. The program culminated in the…

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First Catholic Pro-Life Center Just Opened in Belarus

By Marisa Cantu / January 22, 2024 /

A pro-life center has just opened up in Belarus! Director of Open Hearts Foundation is happy to announce Life Center, which opened in December 2023 in Mogilev, Belarus. The center holds meetings and seminars for people from all walks of life, showing them how they can choose life in any circumstance. They teach students how…

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HLI’s Adoption Program Brings Hope

By Marisa Cantu / January 10, 2024 /

Dr. Imre Téglásy, Director of HLI Hungary, is an abortion survivor. His father was a major in WWII. When communism took over Hungary, Imre’s family was kicked out of Budapest and pushed into the plains (puszta) of Hungary, registered as “class enemies.” They were not allowed to leave the puszta. His father struggled to find…

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