Spirit & Life Blog

Humanae Vitae’s First Prophecy and the Beauty of Marriage

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / June 11, 2018 /
wedding rings on a bible

Pope Paul VI Re-Affirms Church Teaching on Inherent Dignity of Marriage  “False teachers, many belonging to an intellectual elite in the worlds of science, culture and the media, present an anti-gospel…When you ask them, “What must I do?” their only certainty is that there is no definite truth, no sure path….Consciously or not, they advocate an…

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St. John Paul II’s Prophecy for Ireland’s Future

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / June 4, 2018 /

“You will decide what Ireland will be.’” ~ Pope St. John Paul II In 1979, Pope John Paul II gazed out over a sea of some 300,000 youth at a Mass for the Youth in Galway, Ireland. “When I look at you,” he said, “I see the Ireland of the future. Tomorrow, you will be the…

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China’s Disastrous One Child Policy Wants You to Think it Changed – It Didn’t

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / April 30, 2018 /

Population Control Presages Catastrophic Consequences  “[C]areful consideration should be given to the danger of this power passing into the hands of those public authorities who care little for the precepts of the moral law. Who will blame a government which in its attempt to resolve the problems affecting an entire country resorts to the same…

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Sex Education Is Violently Assaulting Children’s Innocence

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / April 16, 2018 /
sex ed sit out

A cartoon shows a man, wearing nothing but a long trench coat. He is standing in front of two children who stare, horrified, as he opens his coat, exposing himself to them. On the back of his coat is written: “Planned Parenthood school-based sex education program.” “It’s ok,” the man is quoted as saying, “I’m…

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Back from Africa – Zimbabwe’s Contraception at its Worst

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / April 2, 2018 /
flag of zimbabwe

“Large poor families have simply become small poor families.” In all my mission trips I have never encountered such an entrenched contraceptive mindset as in Zimbabwe. The quotes below are a sampling from nursing students at one of the government accredited Catholic nursing schools. The government has for decades, through its ministries of Health and…

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The Annunciation, Inherent Human Dignity, and Mary’s Fiat

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / March 25, 2018 /

Day of the Unborn I am writing you today from Harare, Zimbabwe where I am on mission with Dr. Brian Clowes, Mr. Emil Hagamu and HLI’s local affiliate. Our mission has been very fruitful because of your prayers and support; however, because of poor catechesis, corruption, economic hardships and decades of “colonization of the mind,”…

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Human Trafficking: The Hidden Assault on Human Dignity

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / January 22, 2018 /
teenage girl in blanket

Most believers of any faith and people of all persuasions are shocked, indeed scandalized, when they discover that trafficking occurs in every country and that it represents a most prosperous business on the planet. It is a form of slavery, a crime against humanity, a grave violation of human rights, an atrocious scourge, and it…

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Six New Year’s Resolutions to End Abortion and Defend the Family

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / January 1, 2018 /

A few days ago, we posted a video to our website with photos of some of the babies saved from abortion in 2017 thanks to the efforts of the incredible staff and volunteers of Human Life International. Looking at those photos, it amazes me that each of those precious babies was in danger of being…

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The Simplicity and Silence of Bethlehem

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / December 22, 2017 /
nativity scene in bethlehem, christmas

“God’s sign is simplicity. God’s sign is the baby. God’s sign is that He makes Himself small for us. This is how He reigns. He does not come with power and outward splendor. He comes as a baby – defenseless and in need of our help. He does not want to overwhelm us with His…

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Our Lady of Guadalupe

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / December 11, 2017 /
our lady of guadalupe waist up

“Our gods of wealth, pleasure, and independence demand so much blood in exchange for their poisonous gifts.” Tomorrow we commemorate the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our Lady has appeared many times to many different people in many different parts of the world. But, of all the many apparitions, in one alone does…

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