Sex Education Is Violently Assaulting Children’s Innocence

sex ed sit out

A cartoon shows a man, wearing nothing but a long trench coat. He is standing in front of two children who stare, horrified, as he opens his coat, exposing himself to them. On the back of his coat is written: “Planned Parenthood school-based sex education program.” “It’s ok,” the man is quoted as saying, “I’m funded by the government.”

Like all good satire, the joke is too true for laughs.

If a man stopped two children on the street and asked them if they knew where to buy condoms and lubricant, or how to perform anal and oral sex on one another and showed them graphic illustrations of those same sex acts, he would rightly be arrested and charged with indecency. But the sad irony is that that same man could be invited by your children’s school into the classroom, to do and say the exact same things, and the government would pay him to do it. They would call it “facts-based” sex education.

You might object that they do it with parents’ permission, so it’s different. Unfortunately, that’s only true some of the time: often, they’ll do it without asking parents’ permission, or even worse, by refusing to inform parents when sex education classes are happening, or to allow them to pull their kids from class during those lessons. Certainly, they’re hoping that most parents won’t look too closely at what they’re teaching.

Sex Ed Sit Out

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the advice world-famous psychologist Jordan Peterson recently gave to parents who are worried that their kids are being taught propaganda in class. “You take your children out of that class,” Peterson said bluntly. “They’re not being educated: they’re being indoctrinated. And there’s absolutely no excuse for it.”

He added: “[I]f you don’t stand up and do something about it, especially when it affects your own family, then all that’s going to happen is that it’s going to continue to spread. If you want to be pushed backwards, then go along with it. But if you don’t, then stop doing it.”

Stop doing it!

That’s exactly what one courageous group of parents is doing by organizing an international “Sex Ed Sit Out” on Monday, April 23 – and they’re already getting tons of interest and media coverage.

They’re urging parents in the U.S., Canada, and Australia to pull their kids out of school on that day in protest against the growing trend of graphic sex-ed curricula, and to let the principals of their school know why. Already over 22,000 parents have signed a petition supporting the effort.

In addition, they are organizing several rallies in various cities – eleven cities at last count. Organizers say the purpose of the event is to send the message that they will not accept pornographic material in sex education classes, won’t “stand by” and let leftist activists set the agenda in education, and won’t let their tax dollars continue to be spent on exposing their kids to smut – to be sexualized and dehumanized by a sex-saturated culture.

Moral Poison 

And smut it is. Sometimes cleverly disguised smut, dressed up with all sorts of fancy and comforting euphemisms, and presented by “experts” in professional suits and skirts. But smut nevertheless, often of a particularly pernicious kind. Unfortunately, many parents still have no idea how horrific the contents of some sex-ed programs being forcibly pushed on their kids in schools are.

Take the “Welcoming Schools” curriculum, pushed by the extremely well-funded and powerful anti-family Human Rights Campaign (HRC). The deception starts with the very name of the curriculum. The program is clearly not so much about “welcoming,” as about tearing down the moral and ethical barriers that keep your kids safe from the wolves of sexual and emotional exploitation, STDs, unplanned pregnancy, and spiritual death.

One section of the curriculum, aimed at children from kindergarten to grade five, describes how educators should read the book “I Am Jazz,” about a “transgender” girl, to their students. It then provides a variety of activities by which a teacher can train their students to become transgender “allies,” and to “expand” their “perception and understanding of gender.”

Another section of that curriculum introduces young children to a cornucopia of sexually charged and perverse terminology. “LGBTQ Definitions for Children,” featuring a photo of kids that appear to be as young as four or five years old, gives definitions for words like bisexual, genderqueer, gender expansive, lesbian, queer, and transgender.

Systematic Behavioral Modification  

What kind of a perverse mind does it take to think that this is what children in the earliest grades need to be thinking or talking about? The most important activity kids this formative age can be doing is play. Kids this age should be listening to fairy tales, learning their letters and numbers, and playing with their friends on the playground.

sex ed sit out

Instead, the sexual revolutionaries are teaching them to think thoughts they are not remotely equipped to deal with, and to question some of the most fundamental and meaningful structures of the world around them: the family and gender. Imagine how confusing it is for an innocent child of five or six to have to wonder if she’s doing something wrong by calling a girl she just met a “girl!”

“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”
— Adolf Hitler

As one of the organizers of the Sex Ed Sit Out said: “We send our kids to school to learn reading and writing and science and history, not how to question whether they really are a boy or a girl.”

Then there’s Planned Parenthood’s “Get Real” program. In that program, kids in grade six through eight are told that feeling “comfortable and ready” is a primary criterion for engaging in sexual activity, introduces oral and anal sex, describes interrupted sex as a form of “abstinence,” tells kids they can get birth control without their parents knowing, mentions sex with multiple partners, and of course directs students to Planned Parenthood’s even more graphic website, where kids can learn about every sexual practice under the sun, and how to get an abortion without their parents finding out.

Lip service is sometimes given to the involvement of parents, but this is undermined every step of the road. Disturbingly, on the page on Planned Parenthood’s site designed to answer teens’ questions about sex, the abortion giant includes a prominent link, with the text: “Worried? Had Unprotected Sex? Chat with a health educator and figure out what to do next.” Even worse, when you click on the page dedicated to the topic of “parental consent” and abortion, the very first sentence tells teens that even if they’re under 18, they might not have to tell their parents.

So this is how it works: The sex educators go into the schools, present graphic details about sex to mixed-sex classes with only a modicum of attention given to the meaning of sex (babies are scarcely ever mentioned, except as an unwanted outcome of sex!); to no one’s surprise, many of those teens (your kids!) promptly leave and decide to try out what they’ve just learned. But Planned Parenthood’s not worried: they’re there to help clean up the mess and make a tidy profit in the process.

It’s a perniciously brilliant business strategy. As one former abortionist put it: “How do you sell an abortion? In the U.S. it’s very simple: You do it through sex education.”

Join the Sex Ed Sit Out

Separating children from their parents is at the heart of the graphic sex-ed strategy and abortion business model. “[W]hy aren’t administrators being transparent with parents about the content of sexuality resources?” asks Elizabeth Johnston, known as the viral blogger “Activism Mommy,” who is also one of the organizers of the Sex Ed Sit Out. “It’s as if they have something to hide. That should frighten parents everywhere.”

The fact is, groups like HRC and Planned Parenthood do have something to hide. So parents: you have a responsibility to educate yourself and to protect your children from predators. There are bona fide perverts who are trying to get access to your children’s classroom, and you should be no more accepting of them there than on the streets.

Many parents feel powerless against a very noisy and well-organized industry, which uses intimidation, corrupt power and our silence to further its toxic agenda. However, you [we] are not alone or powerless! There are many out there like yourself who want to push back against these corrupting forces indoctrinating our children.

So, if you live in any of the three countries participating in the Sex-Ed Sit Out – U.S., Canada, and Australia – I hope that you will consider participating. Look at the list of cities that will be holding rallies and do your best to show up and encourage others to join you.

If we don’t stand up for our children and protect them from the violence being perpetrated against them, who will? They deserve our efforts and sacrifices.

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  1. Desmond on March 25, 2019 at 5:24 AM

    I’m just wondering how we have been living without SexEd before.
    Anyway, as we decided to teach we have to make it properly

    Your lovely article explains many good things except one: how to fight those who don’t want their children to get it
    Even if you implement sex ed properly you will get angry parent’s complaining
    And you’d have to assure them
    I don’t want to rip off a full text, you can read about it in this blog:

  2. M W on January 21, 2019 at 12:08 PM

    I’m sorry, did you just compare comrehensive sex education to Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semetic indoctrination of German youth? That is absurd. Comprehensive sex ed leads to LESS teen sex, MORE abstinence, MORE self confidence with saying “no” and demanding respect in relationships, and LESS sexually transmitted infections. I agree that we should respect all views of sexuality, including those which believe that it is right to wait until marriage. I grew up Catholic with that very belief system. However, regardless of when one starts to engage in sex, accurate and timely education about sexual health and demanding respect in one’s sexual relationships–including a marriage–is absolutely a human right. Please see the links below for evidence-based support.

  3. John Elsworthy on May 25, 2018 at 9:47 PM

    And you wonder why there’s so much teen pregnancy in the USA and why circumcision is still promoted there despite it being pointless and all the “benefits” being proven to be myths promoted by greedy American “doctors”. Kids NEED good sex education. They don’t necessarily need the trans stuff but they need to know other stuff.

  4. Donald Morrison on April 16, 2018 at 4:06 PM

    These evil people come from the pit – they are the devil’s disciples. Parents must stand up to them. The fact that they are trying to sneak around behind parent’s backs shows what cowards they are. As the LGBT community do not contribute to the school roll, so they should play no part in their education.

  5. Pius on April 16, 2018 at 2:15 PM

    Mother Mary pray for us! Thanks for the update! More thanks to the parents who have decided to take action against this sexual promiscuity and direct attack on children! We stand with them in both prayer and action!

  6. Kathleen Goryl on April 16, 2018 at 11:55 AM

    Please see the data from the Center for Disease Control and their designation of April as STD awareness month. These data, as reported in the Catholic League newsletter of April 6, 2018, state the alarming rates of sexually transmitted disease (STDs). Chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis lead the pack. Young people, gay/bisexual men and pregnant women are at greatest risk. The Catholic League calls out the CDC, however, for its “Talk, Test and Treat” potential solution. The Catholic League recommends restraint as the
    better choice.
    Professor Janet Smith’s work is some of the best on this topic. Professor Smith is a noted expert on the topic of contraception. Her cds, Contraception Why Not and Contraception Cracking the Myths not only address the topic of STDs, but data on the number of Americans that have and incurable STD! Professor Smith notes other risks such as the negative impact the contraception pill has on marriages, contraceptive pills are associated with divorce (while those that use Natural Family Planning almost never divorce). She cites the negative influence these female hormones have on male/female relationships. She cites the failure rates with contraception and its link with abortion. Professor Smith cites the cancer risks, stroke and blood clot risks of the contraceptives pill. Further, she cites the environmental effects of these contraceptive hormones on fish–wherein contraceptives are associated with fish changing gender! She addresses some of the lawsuits on contraceptives and speaks to the number of doctors that no longer recommend certain contraceptives due to the negative patient experiences reported to/about them. Her talks stress abstinence and faith formation, noting that church-goers tend to have fewer issues in this arena. She mentions that when we share with our young people the facts and the truth, they respond appropriately.
    I would like to see our government and healthcare community Speak Up about the cancer-link and other risks with contraceptives. We know that oral contraceptive pills are in the same carcinogenic class as cigarettes. These data are on the American Cancer Society website. Yet, they are not readily apparent. While our government under the previous and current administrations have documented the cancer dangers from cigarettes, neither administration is doing much to tell people about the cancer dangers of contraceptives–particularly the pill. Should not our healthcare and public health policies be health-enhancing rather than health-detracting? The HHS contraceptives mandate was a big mistake! During the regulatory comment period, our government leaders must not only read the objections that they receive, but they must act on them when the objecting parties are right! These objecting parties can help our government from making big mistakes in their final regulations. If our government leaders had read the excellent comments submitted by the Catholic Medical Association and the USCCB (among others), they might have not made such a poor health policy decision with this misguided mandate. (And the Little Sisters of the Poor and the hundred or so other –mostly Christian organizations — would not have had to seek the relief of the Supreme Court. Rather, they could have relied on their government and their healthcare leaders to help them. Sadly, this was not the case. I hope we have learned our lesson and that we will not repeat this mistake again.)

    • Claire on April 18, 2018 at 7:42 PM

      Why do so many people deny this information. It is proven how we are making our youth sick with demoralized sex education as well as raising the new barbarians Randy Engel speaks about in her book, “Sex Education, the Final Plague”.

    • Claire on April 18, 2018 at 8:09 PM

      When was the last time the U S bishops spoke in opposition to conraception, abortion and sterilization and all government and foreign population control programs?
      It was 1959 when it was the last time U S bishops spoke in defense of sex education condemned in classrooms.
      Since that time U S bishops have imposed sexualized caechetics in their own schools inspite of Pope Pius XI and Pope Pius XII condemning co-ed classroom sex education. Catechisms were thrown out in order to destroy Catholic morality.
      Opposition to Magisterium was imposed on Catholic families. Still U S bishops refuse to listen to sound-informed objections to sexualized teachings to their children in their schools. Time-honored family values are no longer taught. ALL USCCB schools are now LGBTQ friendly. Please prove me wrong.
      Why the loud silence? Why are people in the novus ordo church willing to support sex education that secures abortion and is also the primary weapon against the proliferation of people?

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