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…an enormous amount of their wealth to the cause of reducing the global population. Gates’ recent $1.7 million donation to a research team working on male contraception is the merest…
Read More…“contraception” to make them more appealing to consumers. Abortifacients are different from contraceptives in that they do not prevent an egg from being fertilized. Rather, they act after fertilization to…
Read More…that refers to RU-486 as a type of “interceptor (luteal contraception).” If most people hear a new drug described as “birth control,” they’ll think of the Pill and IUD, not…
Read More…awarded with a payment of one million roubles. China, meanwhile, after brutally enforcing their one-child policy for decades, is actually starting to close birth control clinics and offering longer maternity…
Read More…Birth Control (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall), 1971. Chasteen’s suggested law mandating sterilization and birth control is shown on the back cover of the book. It reads as follows: As…
Read More…of individuals and families and for every person’s inviolable right to life, they prefer to promote and impose by whatever means a massive programme of birth control. Even the economic…
Read More…The Third Prophecy Part VI: The Fourth Prophecy Part VII: Modernity’s Challenges to Humanae Vitae Part VIII: The Church’s Right to Teach on Birth Control Part IX: The Church’s Teaching…
Read More…birth control pill under carefully defined conditions when the intent is not to impair their fertility. Sometimes a young woman will take the Pill for non-contraceptive purposes, such as clearing…
Read More…founders had started a century before. According to the Summit’s “Summary of Commitments,” getting this many women on birth control will require an additional $4.3 billion over the next eight…
Read More…Christians on Abortion Today Every country in the world that has legalized contraception has eventually done the same for abortion. This inexorable process applies to Christian churches as well. After…
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