Men’s Rosary Begging Forgiveness for Failing Women

Taking inspiration from Our Lady’s requests and St. Louis de Montfort’s writings, HLI Ireland’s executive director Patrick McCrystal organized a men’s Rosary in 2021. The men pray while kneeling in public settings before a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Humbling themselves before the greatest of all women, they pray for repentance, reparation, and to ask forgiveness for men’s shortcomings – especially in the ways they failed the women in their lives.

mens rosary ireland

Men’s Rosary in Ireland begging for forgiveness

In 2018, the traditionally Catholic country turned away from God and from truth and legalized abortion nationwide. Patrick McCrystal mourns the loss that occurred because men failed to accept responsibility and properly care for women in Ireland. He says that if men had accepted their duty, there would be no abortion issue. Men would step up, protect their children, and support women.

Patrick, rejoicing in the fact that Our Lady is pleased with the recitation of the Rosary, says: “It’s a really manly thing for men to get on their knees before the most powerful woman in all creation, in public, and repent, apologize, make reparation for not taking proper responsibility for the women in our lives…and to seek her grace to be more loving husbands, more loving fathers, more loving brothers and uncles…”

And Our Lady’s work is becoming more and more apparent. The men’s Rosary is no longer confined to just Ireland. It has gone global, becoming a monthly event in more than 40 different countries! They even have a website,, which gives men all across the world the resources they need to set up a similar Rosary event in their local town.

If you’re interested in starting a men’s Rosary, please visit And if you liked this story, please comment below and share it so that others may be inspired to step up, repent, and pray the Rosary!

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  1. Marie Pelletier on May 16, 2024 at 2:36 PM

    Thank you men of Ireland. May men all over the world be inspired by your public reparation and recitation of the rosary.

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