Women are Finding Joy in HLI Mission Field
Stories of hope are plentiful in the HLI mission field!
Elizabeth suffered from sub-infertility for 8 years. This broke her heart, wearing her down as the years went on and she was still unable to have a child. She joined HLI’s fertility awareness program two years ago. Finally, by the grace of God, she became pregnant! She now has a one-year-old, and the pain she suffered for so many years is healing as happiness takes its place.
In Rwanda, there is an English anti-life group called HDI (Health Development Initiative) that is funded, in part, by the International Planned Parenthood Foundation, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNAIDS, the CDC, and the WHO. It promotes the use of contraceptives in public schools, and one day, it came to Laurence’s school. Laurence believed the lies of the HDI and got a hormonal implant. Contraceptive use often leads to unchastity, and as time goes on, contraceptives have compounded failure rates. She later found out she was pregnant while she was still a student. She was pregnant despite using a hormonal implant. She was advised by one of the HDI agents – who had gotten her pregnant – to abort the child so she can continue being a student. The agent promised help and scheduled and paid for the abortion. Laurence was two months pregnant, and the agent told her no one would know.
Meanwhile, HLI’s affiliates were going into schools for chastity training. HLI came to Laurence’s school and all students were obligated to attend. The conference went over the effects of abortion and contraception and how abstinence and prayer are the solution for youths to grow in a Christian manner.
Laurence’s abortion appointment was the next day, so it was miraculous that she came to HLI’s conference! Laurence changed her mind at that conference. She decided to live a Christian life thanks to the talk. She approached HLI’s affiliates and explained her situation, crying. HLI affiliates immediately sprang into action. They encouraged Laurence’s mother to take her daughter in until the baby grows so that Laurence could return to school. HLI also helped her with medical fees, baby clothes, maternity costs and negotiations in the school to allow Laurence to continue school.
Laurence’s baby, Keilla, was born and became the light of her mother’s life. Though the father abandoned the little family, Laurence rejoices in her motherhood and is grateful to HLI’s affiliates for all the help and support they gave.
May God reward our generous donors who make miracles like this come true! Please share this story to spread the word of hope!