Easter is the most important feast day in the Catholic Church, as St. Paul noted in 1 Corinthians 15:17: “And if Christ be not risen again, your faith is vain, for you are yet in your sins.” Here are some unique ways that this wonderful feast is celebrated throughout the world in Christian, Orthodox, and…
Read MoreAs Christmas approaches, the familiar fir trees, ornaments, Santa decorations, and gingerbread cookies will appear in stores and homes. One of the most beautiful things to see in the season of joy is the devotion that people around the world have for Christ and the Holy Family, and their unwavering dedication to commemorate the feast…
Read MoreEach month, a woman is fertile for about 5 days. Though an egg is only able to be fertilized for 12-24 hours, sperm can live inside the uterus and fertilize any egg that is released for about 5 days after intercourse. There are two ways to measure what stage of development a baby is in:…
Read MoreIn the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus said to His disciples, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Our calling as Catholic parents is to take Jesus’ words to heart and not only teach our children about Him but give them the…
Read MoreFor thousands of years, people have found ways to kill unwanted babies. From taking pills to tearing a child to pieces prior to birth to even throwing a baby off a cliff, it often seems that any method will do. Parents seek only the end result—being rid of the baby. All abortion is tragic because…
Read MoreSome people disclaim their natural heritage. I always name my origin. It didn’t hold me back and neither has my color. I was born in poverty. My father raped my mother when she was 12. Now they’ve named a park for me in Chester, Pennsylvania. Renowned Gospel Singer Ethel Waters1 Since Roe vs. Wade was…
Read MoreThe abortion issue is very complex, possessing many dimensions: personal, legislative, judicial, religious and scientific. There is, however, one central debate around which every other point revolves – the status of the unborn child. Is it human? Is it alive? And, most importantly, is it a person? Science: When Does Life Begin? Pro-abortion activists will…
Read MoreThe Immaculate Heart of Mary is a timeless devotion that has been celebrated for centuries. Catholics familiar with this devotion may take it for granted, as images of Our Lady’s Heart are plentiful in Catholic art and as theologians talk extensively of Our Lady. It can easily become a commonplace devotion, for which many give…
Read MoreOne of the most exciting and rewarding things in our lives can also be one of the most intimidating and perplexing. We’re talking about dating. But not just any kind of dating. Catholic dating. With such a wide range of people out there and so many different ideas about this subject, it can be difficult…
Read MoreWhile the most famous saint who promoted the devotion to the Sacred Heart is undoubtedly St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, to whom Our Lord appeared in 1673, the devotion can be observed as far back as the 2nd century with St. Justin Martyr. Devotees in the early centuries promoted the Sacred Heart devotion as the inexhaustible…
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