
John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and Living the Gospel of Life

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / July 25, 2013 /
pope st john paul ii headshot

In this 2012 presentation, HLI President Father Shenan J. Boquet speaks about John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and how it is an important resource in understanding God’s plan for marriage, family, and society. The Theology of the Body was given by the pope as a response to the attack on human sexuality and…

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Humanae Vitae Explained

By Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro / July 25, 2013 /

In this 2001 presentation, Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro-Carambula, executive director of HLI’s Rome office, explains that the Church has always taught that contraception is a sin. Some claims arose starting in the early 1960s that this teaching was in question, but this has never been the case. The climate of the times within the Church and…

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Audio Lecture: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Model for Life

By Patricia Bainbridge / July 25, 2013 /
our lady of guadalupe waist up

In this recording, Patricia Bainbridge, chairman of HLI’s Board of Directors, tells a true story of faith – the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe. At a time when human sacrifice was rampant in Mexico because of the influence of the pagan Aztec Indians, Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego in Mexico City…

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10 Abortion Myths

By HLI Staff / July 25, 2013 /
planned parenthood

In this audio talk, HLI Director of Education and Research Dr. Brian Clowes provides an overview of the 10 most common abortion myths that are repeated by the media, and explains how to refute each and every one. These are the same arguments that come up over and over again in everyday conversation because most…

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Abortion: Legacy of Contraception

By Fr. Paul Marx, OSB / July 25, 2013 / Comments Off on Abortion: Legacy of Contraception
abortion pill

In this talk, Father Paul Marx, O.S.B., founder of Human Life International, describes the destruction caused by the use of contraception. He explains that abortion and contraception are psychologically and metaphysically connected to each other. Because they are so strongly linked, Fr. Marx believes that priests and bishops that speak out against contraception do more…

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The World Sex Mess Confirms Catholic Teaching

By HLI Staff / July 25, 2013 /
catholic teens

In this 1998 audio recording by Father Paul Marx, O.S.B., founder of Human Life International, you learn how the crisis of declining populations of so many countries is directly linked to the world’s rejection of traditional Catholic teachings on abortion and birth control. Here are a few facts Fr. Marx explains: Of the 45 countries…

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Does Welfare Reduce Abortion?

By HLI Staff / July 22, 2013 /
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Social scientists have long documented that when women are paid to have children out of wedlock, they are more likely to do so. For example, James Q. Wilson wrote in the Fall 2005 In Character, “A third reason for single-parent families is that, at least in this country, welfare payments have enabled poor women to choose children and government checks over…

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True Story II – Central and Eastern Europe: A Return to Life

By HLI Staff / July 2, 2013 / Comments Off on True Story II – Central and Eastern Europe: A Return to Life

“These countries are in crisis. They need to do something radical to move away from the Culture of Death… and if they don’t, they are going to disappear.” — Joseph Meaney, Director of International Coordination, Human Life International In Hungary and Poland we find two European nations whose people and deep Christian roots have suffered…

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True Story I – The Philippines: Preserving a Culture of Life

By HLI Staff / July 2, 2013 /

In December 2012, the Congress of the Philippines finally passed the destructive RH Bill and it was signed into law by President Beningno Aquino. In April 2014 the Supreme Court of the Philippines struck down several provisions of the law, but some of the most objectionable parts were upheld. The legal battle is far from…

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Defending Marriage

By HLI Staff / March 18, 2013 /

What is marriage and why is it important? Marriage, properly understood, is and has always been a covenant by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership for life that is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring. Arland K. Nichols: “The…

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