
Who Was Marie Stopes?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / April 17, 2017 /
marie stopes in her laboratory

Marie Carmichael Stopes was the United Kingdom’s answer to America’s Margaret Sanger. Both women lived during the same era.  Both were vocal eugenicists and birth control pioneers in their respective nations during the 1920s and 1930s, and their writings show that their views on eugenics and racial purity were identical. Most importantly, Marie Stopes’ legacy…

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Profile: The United Nations Population Fund

By Brian Clowes, PhD / April 16, 2017 /

The United Nations Population Fund, or UNFPA, is one of the three most influential population control groups in the world, standing alongside the Population Council and the International Planned Parenthood Federation. What makes UNFPA unique is that it has the full authority of the United Nations behind it and enjoys a guaranteed one billion dollars…

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What is the Abortion Situation in Europe?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / April 15, 2017 /

Many American pro-lifers wonder what the long-term impacts of abortion will be on the United States.  We have been making significant progress against the Culture of Death over the past decade, but if our progress is reversed and abortion strengthens its hold on our society, what will happen to our country?  With Obamacare’s funding of…

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What is the Abortion Situation in Africa?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / April 14, 2017 /

The most effective way to compel the people of a country to serve another nation is to colonize their minds instead of their land and force them to adopt their conqueror’s values.  This produces nations led by compliant and easily corruptible people who will allow the usurpers to pillage their country’s natural resources with impunity.…

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What is the Abortion Situation in the Caribbean?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / April 14, 2017 /

Many have an idealistic view of the islands and the people of the Caribbean, envisioning fancy alcoholic drinks and spotless beaches featuring young men and women with exotic accents lazing around under palm trees. But step back a couple of hundred yards from those beaches and you will find the real people of the Caribbean:…

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What is the Abortion Situation in South America?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / April 13, 2017 /

South America has a strong Catholic heritage and is relatively friendly towards preborn children. Four small countries, representing only five percent of the population of the continent, have abortion on demand laws or many exceptions that mean the same thing in practice. These are Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana and Uruguay. Chile, Paraguay, Suriname and Venezuela…

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Is Church Teaching on Contraception Infallible?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / April 9, 2017 /

What Does “Infallible” Mean? There are two primary means by which the Church may declare a teaching infallible: The first and most definitive statement of infallibility is the Pope’s solemn declaration ex cathedra that a matter of faith or morals must be assented to in order for a Catholic to attain salvation. One example of…

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Does Contraception Lead to Abortion?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / April 6, 2017 /

No matter how thin you slice it, ladies and gentlemen, family planning is a euphemism. We don’t intend or desire to prevent conception for conception’s sake; we want to prevent conception because of what follows conception. Family planning is the prevention of births, and as birth is the end of a sequence which begins with…

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Male and Female He Created Them: Gender Identity Is Not a Choice

By Denise Hunnell, MD / January 9, 2017 /

( – 2012 marked the first time gender identity was included as a specific protected classification in a United Nations General Assembly anti-discrimination resolution. This wording is significant because it elevates gender identity to the same level as race, creed, religion and sexual orientation. Yet this term is ambiguous and there is no clear agreement…

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The Blessed Virgin Mary, Protector of Life and Family

By Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro / May 4, 2015 /

The month of May is traditionally a time to honor Mary, the Mother of God. This is a fitting time to reflect on the essential role she plays in our salvation and in our missionary apostolate promoting life and family. During this month we should strive to deepen our knowledge and love of her through…

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