Argentina’s Victory: Now the War Continues
We just witnessed how the Argentine people achieved great victory in their fight against the Culture of Death. They rejected the vilest of legislation: a bill that would have authorized the murder of those who incapable of defending themselves.
Not only were there mass mobilizations throughout the country, including solidarity demonstrations in front of embassies of many countries, but they also achieved great participation through social media networks. We refer to the so-called “celestial wave” pro-lifers carrying blue handkerchiefs and items, as opposed to the green “wave” of the pro-abortionists.
Even so, the triumph would’ve been impossible had Catholics not raised their supplications to God through masses, vigils, prayer chains, rosaries and holy hours of adoration. As every true Catholic knows, no war can be won without going to the One in whom ALL POWER resides. With the cross before us, publicly confessing the Faith to honor God, we clutch and pray with rosaries in our hands, honoring she who is the Mediatrix of all Graces. The spiritually blind seek to win battles by flying the flag of secularism, so as “not to be accused of religious fundamentalism”, or “so as not to offend non-Catholics.” They fail to see the extent to which they offend the only one who can grant them victory over the enemy: Almighty God.
But the road is long and perseverance is essential.
Although this battle was won, the war continues. The day after the vote in the Senate, President Macri announced his decision to continue with the criminal abortion project through the Judiciary, via a reform of the Criminal Code to decriminalize this cowardly crime. The Evil One does not take breaks. It hurts us to see the people betrayed by the authorities selling out to perverse foreign interests, facilitating the annihilation of those who embody the future of the country they swore to serve: the children. The vicious betrayal of President Macri can be seen in the second 50 of the following video of the closing Mass of the XI National Eucharistic Congress in Tucumán, Argentina, held on June 19, 2016, where President Macri asks everyone to work “to protect life from conception to death.” We must not lower our guard against the attacks of the Enemy. Remember that what is taking place right now is not an attack on Argentina, but on all the countries of Latin America. Proof of this is the recent request of Amnesty International – another instrument of world political power – to President Vizcarra, to legalize abortion in Peru.
“Stand firm”- Image courtesy of SPUC
Let’s not stop denouncing abortion until the whole society sees it as it is: a horrendous crime. And let’s not stop asking God for help to achieve it. If we fulfill the motto Ora et Labora, we can rest trusting in God. As holy writ states: ” Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” (Exodus 14: 13-14)
Nancy Freud, Peru, contributed this report to HLI.