Russia Bans LGBT Activism

Russia’s Supreme Court recently ruled that the global LGBT movement is extremist and banned LGBT activism in Russia. The punishment for organizing or funding extremist activities in Russia ranges anywhere from two to ten years in prison, with additional years of limited liberties and freedoms. This ruling came as a result of a lawsuit filed by the Justice Ministry against the general global LGBT movement.

Earlier this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin passed a law that banned any medical interventions that were performed to change a person’s gender, except in cases of birth defects. It also prohibited a person changing their sex on legal documents. Marriages where one party has changed their gender would also be annulled, and transgenders would not be able to be adoptive or foster parents.

crowd of people in street

Last year, Putin passed the “gay propaganda law,” formally known as “for the Purpose of Protecting Children from Information Advocating a Denial of Traditional Family Values.” This bans all LGBT propaganda in media and entertainment. Russian citizens also cannot praise homosexuality or suggest that such relationships are normal. This law expanded on an existing law from 2013 that banned exposing minors to LGBT messaging.

Russia has seen a decline in population growth since 1991 – a decline that Putin is working hard to reverse by supporting traditional families. And Russia is not alone in this decline. Globally, the population continues to age and growth is falling. The reality of a demographic winter is a stark one; a decrease in population has severe economic and social ramifications. HLI’s missionaries and affiliates around the world are working every day to help change hearts and minds to see the beauty and gift of life. As Catholics, we can combat the population decline by living our vocation faithfully – whether that’s in a married state or as a religious or priest – trusting that God will bring fruit to our labors if we humble ourselves to His Will.

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