HLI Rwanda Isn’t Backing Down From Anti-Life Challenges

HLI Rwanda is continuing to educate youth about the dangerous effects that masturbation, fornication, pornography, and homosexuality have on one’s life, and leading the charge is the director of HLI Rwanda, Aloys. He teaches participants how life is a gift from God, that sex is a powerful and intimate expression of true love meant to be expressed between a husband and wife, and that the conjugal act is a cooperation with God in creating new life.
Thus, anything contrary to this beautiful design (such as pornography or masturbation) violates this gift and devalues the individual. Aloys reminds the students that they are created in God’s image and likeness – a privilege which calls a creature to a higher and more honorable state than sin could ever provide. Aloys clarifies that, yes, humans have free will and can choose right or wrong – but free will does not give one the free license to commit evil. He encourages them to reshape the way they see their bodies, to realize that they are temples of the Holy Ghost and to live in harmony with this fundamental reality.
Through radio programs, HLI Rwanda is bringing the pro-life message to thousands of families we couldn’t reach any other way.
Miss Valentine was one of HLI Rwanda’s students. Through this training, she said she learned that masturbation makes her “unable to enjoy [the] true meaning and beauty of marriage in [the] future.” She resolved to live a life in accord with her inherent dignity and to be a “good defender of [the] Gospel of life.”
Miss Aline didn’t realize that masturbation was a sin and is deeply grateful to HLI for the training. “I am saved [from falling] into darkness through this training.”
Elsewhere in Rwanda, to the east of the capital Kigali, HLI Rwanda has noticed there are more young married couples using contraception because more foreign anti-life groups are located there. These groups distribute and encourage the use of contraception, even if couples are able to welcome children. Because of this influence, couples in this area are not in touch with the woman’s health and fertility as they are not skilled in Natural Family Planning (NFP). These couples are not being told about the Church’s teaching on contraception, so even faithful Catholics can have a difficult time learning about how their fertility relates to their faith. So, HLI Rwanda is ministering to these couples, encouraging them to be open to life while also showing them how NFP can be used in grave circumstances to delay pregnancy.
Once again, Aloys is at the center of these training programs. He explained that there are three different natural fertility signs that a woman can use to determine when she is most and least fertile in her cycle: length of the menstrual cycle, daily body temperature readings, and changes in cervical mucus. He taught the couples how they can utilize these three signs to paint an overall picture of a woman’s fertility.
Delphine was one of Aloys’ students learning about NFP. At the time, she had an IUD inserted, but after the training, she decided to have it removed.
And HLI Rwanda isn’t just educating couples and students; we are ensuring that our teachers are well-versed in the Church’s teaching. In February, HLI Rwanda had a 3-day training for the teachers on the church documents relating to life and family, specifically Humanae Vitae, Dignitatis Personae, Evangelium Vitae, and Donum Vitae. At the end of the first day of training, Fr. Maurice Kwizera of the Diocese of Nyundo said Mass and prayed for all the children killed in abortions worldwide.
Jozef was one of the participants in this training. He is a school director and instructor. “The skills I got are the seeds that are going to bear fruits by teaching the culture of life where I assume my responsibilities.”
After a nurse we trained reversed her abortion, Natalie (left) studied Church teaching on chastity and purity at HLI Rwanda. Now Natalie is converting to Catholicism.
The third day began with another Mass, this time celebrated by Father Alexis from the Archdiocese of Kigali. Father Alexis expressed his gratitude towards HLI’s mission and encouraged the teachers and affiliates, saying, “Human life is sacred from conception. Defend it without fear. Jesus Christ is with you.”
What became apparent after hearing the impact our programs and training had on participants is that so many were unaware that some things were sinful, such as masturbation or contraception. This only speaks to a greater need for HLI’s mission, both within and outside of Rwanda, to spread the Gospel of life to all corners of the world.
Thanks to all of our donors for supporting our mission worldwide!