Methodist LGBT Ban Lifted in Opposition to Christianity

United Methodists are straying from Christian doctrine and changing their views on same-sex “marriage” and ordaining LGBT clergy, despite the fact that changing their views will not change truth or reality. During their legislative gathering – which wraps up on Friday – the delegates supported changing their policies so that their global denomination would be split up into regional conferences.

This would give each region the power to change the church’s rules according to local preferences. In the US, for instance, it would not be surprising if the local delegates ruled to allow same-sex “marriage.” A proposal to lift the ban on same-sex “marriage” and LGBT ordination was voted on by the delegates this week. Sadly, they have already voted to repeal the ban on LGBT ordination and decided that clergy who celebrate same-sex “marriages” will not be penalized. Thankfully, clergy and churches who refuse to hold same-sex “weddings” will not be penalized, either.

pro-LGBT man reading the Bible

There are also changes to the Social Principles. Specifically, the changes are that the statement that same-sex “marriage” is “incompatible” with Christianity will be removed, and the definition of marriage will be a sacred covenant between “two people of faith,” thereby keeping the door open for either gender. These changes have already received committee approval and will be voted on by the delegates.

This is an obvious departure from Christian doctrine, and it is tragic to see our Christian brothers and sisters give way to secularism and the lie of modernity.

This comes at the same time as the Czech Republic passing the “partnership” bill, which will go into effect on January 1st of next year. This bill grants LGBT couples shared property and inheritance rights, and it allows a same-sex partner of a biological parent to adopt the child. However, full “rights” to “marriage” and adoption are still not granted for LGBT couples in the Czech Republic – a fact that pro-gay activists in the country decry.

Pray for the Czech Republic and for our Christian brothers and sisters, that they may find peace in truth and be united as one flock under one Shepherd in the Church.

Marisa Cantu has an MS in political science and international affairs with a BA in political science and has also studied international studies and French. She has a strong background in nonprofit work, research, writing, and policy proposal and analysis.

In her free time, Marisa enjoys painting, writing, cooking, spending time with her husband and playing with her dog.

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  1. Al Patrick on May 13, 2024 at 10:56 AM

    How truly the Prophet Hosea spoke of such people: “…in going after [their] lovers forgot me, says the Lord.” (Hos 2:15).
    Evil is parasitic. It cannot exist on its own. It enslaves its host, weakening it and making it serve its parasitic self-interests.
    The deepest sorrow in this situation is that those who follow the contorted premises of evil place themselves under a curse. This brings tears to the eyes of all men (male and female) of good will. God has the divine unalienable right to test us in whatever manner He wishes. Sadly, many are falling to the chains of apostasy and neglecting opportunities for great grace.

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