Living a Culture of Life Podcast

How Films from Hollywood’s Golden Age Reveal God’s Plan for Sexuality

October 19, 2023

How can you teach teens about chastity and healthy relationships? And how can you inspire young people to embrace God’s plan for marriage? Ever since the Sexual Revolution, healthy relationships seem rare. Kids grow up thinking divorce is normal. Movies…

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Women Need Men to Step Up in the Pro-Life Movement

October 12, 2023

Should men have a say in abortion? And why should pro-lifers care about pornography? Jacob Tonglet from Men for Life joins us today to discuss men’s essential role in defending life. Abortion isn’t just a woman’s issue. It’s a human…

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How Every Family Can Pull Off Catholic Education

October 5, 2023

What is classical education? And why should you care? Parents want to give their children the best education. But in today’s cultural climate, options feel limited. Many public schools embrace anti-family agendas, indoctrinating kids with woke ideologies. So, what should…

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Not Reported: The ‘Why’ Behind Uganda’s 2023 Anti-LGBT Law

September 28, 2023

Did you hear about Uganda’s new law prohibiting homosexual actions? It’s one of the most extreme anti-gay laws in the world. For certain cases, such as rape, pedophilia, and knowingly spreading HIV, individuals can face the death penalty. The law…

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The Bloody History of Fetal Cell Research

September 21, 2023

What is fetal tissue used for? Is fetal cell research unavoidable? What can you do about it? Jose Trasancos from Children of God for Life joins us to discuss the deadly history of aborted fetal cell research in the medical,…

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Why You Shouldn’t Talk About the Demographic Winter

September 14, 2023

Population decline is creating problems globally. If low birth rates continue, the demographic winter will worsen. But Fr. Boquet explains why we need to avoid pessimism and focus on hope.        0:00:07.8 Colleen: Hello, and welcome to…

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Melissa Ohden’s Moving Story Reveals Surprising Truths About Abortion

September 7, 2023

As a baby, Melissa Ohden survived a saline infusion abortion. Today, she’s uniting abortion survivors all around the world through the Abortion Survivors Network. Melissa joins us today to share her experience surviving abortion, growing up adopted, and reuniting with…

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“Sound of Freedom” and the Root Causes of Human Trafficking

August 31, 2023

2023’s unexpected box office hit, Sound of Freedom, exposed the horror of human trafficking. This modern-day slavery encompasses everything from labor to sex trafficking. So, what’s feeding this industry? Fr. Boquet joins us today to unpack this issue. What fuels…

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Masculinity Crisis: Divorcing Men from Marriage and Fatherhood

August 24, 2023

What even is a patriarch? Is masculinity really toxic? And how did Marxism and feminism tear down society by destroying fatherhood? Dr. Pat Fagan joins us for our second episode on fatherhood, explaining how manhood is under attack in our…

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Husband First, Father Second: The Vital Role of Men in Family Life

August 17, 2023

What does it mean to be masculine? How can men be better husbands and fathers? Why do kids need their dads? Dr. Pat Fagan sits down with us to unpack the role of men in family life. In this two-part…

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