Living a Culture of Life Podcast

Sexual Orientation Can Change Through Therapy

April 25, 2024

 Fr. Paul Sullins explains how talk therapy can help individuals manage or reduce same-sex attraction. Many misunderstandings surround Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE). Some countries and states have laws banning “conversion therapy.” These laws include bans on talk therapy…

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Dignitas Infinita: Addressing Modern Issues with Ageless Principles

April 18, 2024

Human dignity is fundamental to Christian ethics. But what is human dignity? Can it ever be lessened or taken away? On this episode, Fr. Shenan Boquet unpacks the Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith’s newest document on human dignity. Dignitas…

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First-wave Feminism Wasn’t as Nice as You Thought

April 11, 2024

 Most people don’t know about the Marxist, occult, and anti-family trends that became modern feminism. Some people think feminism was hijacked in the 1960s by second-wave feminists. But nearly everyone agrees that the first-wave feminism was good. However, when…

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Exploring Health Impacts of Hookup Culture

April 4, 2024

 80% of women don’t want casual sex. So, why is hookup culture so popular? How does casual sex affect men and women differently? Often, unmarried women have sex to catch (or keep) a man. But premarital sex has the…

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Forgiveness after “Failed” Abortion Left One Twin Alive

March 28, 2024

 What’s it like to lose a twin to abortion? That’s what happened to Claire Culwell. At just 13-years-old, Claire’s mom became pregnant with twins. Claire miraculously survived the D&E abortion procedure, but her twin did not. Listen to this…

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Steps to Build a Community that Welcomes People with Disabilities

March 21, 2024

 How can we create an environment that welcomes people with disabilities? And why is this part of a Culture of Life? Sometimes, parishes struggle to serve individuals with disabilities. But these men and women have so much to offer!…

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The Price of Life: Exploring the Human Cost of Surrogacy

March 14, 2024

 What’s the problem with surrogacy? How is it different from adoption? Does the surrogacy industry exploit vulnerable women? On this episode, Fr. Shenan Boquet unpacks the problems with surrogacy. He also shares his experience in the mission field, where…

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A Child’s Future Turns on His Parents’ Marriage

March 7, 2024

 Why do children require their biological parents’ marriage? How does a couple’s relationship impact their child’s development? Today, many children grow up in broken homes. This often negatively impacts their future. Children thrive within the marriage of their biological…

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Cultural Pushback Against Euthanasia in Canada

February 29, 2024

 Why do people get euthanized? And how can we create a culture where euthanasia is unthinkable? Canada’s stats are shocking. Since 2016, over 50,000 individuals have died from legal euthanasia and assisted suicide. So, what can you do? Right…

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Ukraine Caught Between Russian Guns and U.S. Abortion Demands

February 22, 2024

 How has the war with Russia changed pro-life work in Ukraine? Why is this the best time to promote life and family? And do Americans really understand Ukrainian values? On today’s episode, we interview Genia Samborska (HLI’s affiliate in…

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