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Globalists and Corona


Staying Vigilant in a Time of Crisis

It is disconcerting to read Henry Kissinger in the Wall Street Journal arguing that a failure to “transition to the post-coronavirus order” could “set the world on fire.” Kissinger is rather vague on precisely what this post-coronavirus “order” would look like, but as the WSJ notes, Kissinger’s long history of friendliness toward China and the lack of any mention in his article of China’s role in unleashing this pandemic is hardly comforting.

But for pro-life and pro-family advocates there are many more reasons to be worried about a “post-coronavirus order” in any way initiated or guided by Kissinger or his worldview. Kissinger, after all, is the architect of NSSM-200, also known as The Kissinger Report. As I wrote recently, this infamous document quite explicitly made it official US policy to export population control to developing nations in the name of protecting the United States’ national security and financial interests. This Machiavellian document discusses ways the US government could blanket developing nations with contraceptives (with nudges and winks about the need to push abortion as well) while making it look like they are primarily concerned about the welfare of these nations.

girl praying in pew in church

Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

There’s an old saying, sometimes erroneously attributed to Churchill: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Those with an agenda and a thirst for power have long recognized that there is opportunity in turmoil. In times of chaos, old and established structures are often destabilized or even abolished while people are often much more open to radical changes offered in the name of a solution or are simply too distracted to notice or resist when such changes are steamrolled through.

This global pandemic is no different. For this reason, pro-life and pro-family individuals—and lovers of faith and freedom—have every reason to be suspicious when longtime anti-national globalists, sympathizers with China’s communist and authoritarian government, and enthusiastic supporters of population control and legal and government-funded abortion and contraception step forward to suggest that they have the solution to our current problem.

Indeed, much of the evidence supporting our concerns is so public and so explicit that there is no need to concoct complex conspiracy theories. Neither is there even any need to call into question motives. Men like Bill Gates may well be perfectly sincere when they say they want to use their money, power, and expertise to find a solution to this pandemic that will save lives. Sincere they may well be, but we also know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that their ethical and political principles are dangerously wrong. For example, Bill and Melinda Gates have made it quite clear that population control is at the very tip-top of their priority list. (“Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that [the population] by perhaps 10 or 15 percent,” Bill Gates said in a 2010 TED conference.) And they’ve put their wallets where their mouths are, spending billions of dollars on blanketing developing nations with contraceptives. We would be right to be suspicious, for it would be the height of naivety not to think that any solutions Gates proposes to the current crisis just might be tainted by his anti-life, secularist, and elitist worldview.

Of course, people might object that the coronavirus pandemic has nothing to do with life issues, and hence there is little opportunity here for anti-life global leaders to use it for their anti-life agenda. To this I respond: They already are. Consider Canada, where the Trudeau government has used a $150 million coronavirus aid bill as an excuse to pledge even more money to promoting so-called “sexual and reproductive . . . rights,” which naturally includes support for abortion and contraception. This is in addition to the billions that Canada has already pledged to the international anti-life agenda. Meanwhile, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is fretting about the impact of coronavirus on “sexual and reproductive health services,” which in UN-language includes contraception and abortion. This is the same organization that thinks we need to spend $68.5 billion on contraception and abortion and that notoriously cooperated with China’s brutal enforcement of the one-child policy.

Meanwhile, all around the world, pro-abortion activists are using the pandemic as an excuse to loosen restrictions on chemical abortions. Olivier Véran, France’s minister for Solidarities and Health, recently lamented the “alarming” drop in abortions during the coronavirus pandemic and said that medical abortions “must be encouraged and made easier.” “Encouraged”! Regrettably, even formerly Catholic Ireland, which so recently turned its back on the innocent preborn and legalized abortion, has loosened regulations, allowing women to chemically abort their babies at home, without ever even having seen a doctor. One wonders: When the pandemic is past, will restrictions on medical abortions be put back in place? I doubt it.

Be Wary of Attacks on Our Freedoms

Finally, although not directly related to life and family issues, mention should be made about the possible abuse of the current crisis to undermine individual rights and freedoms by the excessive expansion of government power and surveillance.


In recent weeks and months, various states, above all China, have rolled out extraordinarily intrusive surveillance measures ostensibly designed to track and control the spread of the virus. Additionally, all across the globe we are seeing the imposition and enforcement of extreme lockdowns. Some of these measures are undoubtedly temporarily justifiable in order to prevent a worse catastrophe. On the other hand, history has shown that governments will often impose extraordinary measures in a time of crisis and then conveniently fail to roll those measures back once the crisis has passed.

One needn’t look far to find concrete—and sometimes absurd—instances over the past few weeks in which legal authorities in the US have far overstepped what is reasonable or constitutional, imposing regulations and fines for behaviors that pose not the slightest risk to anyone. Consider, for instance, the fines and arrests leveled at pro-life activists praying or counseling women outside abortion clinics, sometimes for “violating” stay-at-home orders that weren’t even in effect yet! And what are we to make of these chilling remarks by a World Health Organization bureaucrat calmly suggesting that authorities may have to “go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them”?

In recent years, pro-life and pro-family advocates have experienced firsthand what happens when anti-life and anti-family technologists develop and control the technologies that govern their lives. Social media giants have imposed speech codes that users must adhere to at the risk of being banned. Infractions deserving the axe can be as basic as publicly stating that gender is biologically determined. We have good reason to be worried about technocrats and government authorities using the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity to seize greater power.

We ought to be concerned that men like Bill Gates often seem strangely sanguine about the ethical issues posed by the use of new technologies to track citizens’ behaviors and movements, ostensibly for the greater good. And one needn’t look far to find globalist politicians expressing an admiration for what China is able to “accomplish” thanks to its top-down, authoritarian power structure. Being wary of the implications of how coronavirus might be used to erode privacy rights—to the long-term detriment of religious freedom and the pro-life and pro-family cause—isn’t conspiracy-mongering; it’s just common sense.

Again, some extraordinary measures may be temporarily justified to save lives. Civic virtue demands responsible acquiescence to reasonable measures that contribute to the common good. But we need to have hard conversations now about exactly what the constitutional and moral limits are and how to monitor that these measures are rolled back the moment the crisis is behind us.

We Are an Easter People

Of course, as I have pointed out before, there is also much good news emerging in the midst of the crisis. Recently, for instance, Texas effectively temporarily banned all abortions during the coronavirus crisis, quite rightly excluding abortion from the list of “essential” services. Naturally, Planned Parenthood immediately launched an emergency legal appeal against this decision. But so far, the courts have sided with Texas. We have reason to hope that the Supreme Court will also reaffirm the lower court decisions and the state’s policy. In the meantime, it is highly likely that innumerable babies’ lives will be saved, as their mothers are given the opportunity to rethink a decision often hastily made out of fear or under pressure from unsupportive partners.

This pandemic is tragic, leading to loss of life. But God is a great God who can bring good out of such moments. Indeed, let me be quite clear that nothing I have written in this article should be taken as advocating a position of fear or hopelessness or even excessive suspicion. It is common sense that various powers—some of them misguided or malicious—will use this crisis to their advantage, promoting agendas that threaten our families, the inherent dignity of the human person, and religious freedom. However, as a recent campaign by Catholic laymen puts it, “We are an Easter people.” And as an Easter people, our default position is one of hope, for we know that whatever trials and tribulations we must endure, Christ has already won the victory.

As the traditional Easter greeting puts it: “Khristós Anésti! Alithós Anésti!” (Christ has Risen! Indeed, He has Risen!)

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  1. HLI Staff on April 14, 2020 at 2:28 PM

    Thank you for your input and kind words, Shiri, and for giving us an opportunity to explain. In this TED talk Bill Gates is indeed talking about reducing CO2 emissions to zero, via four means: the population, the services each person is using, the energy for each service, and the CO2 being put out per unit of energy. He goes on to look at each one of these and mentions reducing population first. The full quote from the TED2010 Innovation to Zero! transcript is “First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. But there, we see an increase of about 1.3 (emphasis added).” With each of these italicized pronouns Bill Gates refers to population. The rate of increase in world’s population at the time of this talk in 2010 was around 1.3%, so he’s talking about reducing population here in order to help bring CO2 to zero. We are happy to have gained your admiration and thank you for taking the time to comment.

  2. Fr. David A. Smith on April 14, 2020 at 2:05 PM

    Fr. Shenan, once again you “nailed it:”. Blessings in the Risen Lord; “De verdad esta resucitado!” Fr. David Smith, Archdiocese of Miami

    • HLI Staff on April 14, 2020 at 2:55 PM

      Alleluia! He is risen! Thanks for reading and commenting, Father.

  3. Shiri on April 14, 2020 at 12:36 PM

    Thumbs up for the article, however I do have to mention that your quote from Bill gates at the Ted Conference has been taken out of context. I have watched the full conference (Not the video that cuts off right after he says those words mentioned in your article) and he was referring to the number of CO2 emission, NOT the number of population. My favourite article of yours is the one about the dangers of birth control pills. That’s how your site gained my attention. All The best.

  4. Trina Abuan on April 13, 2020 at 4:09 PM

    Thank you for bravely proclaiming the truth!

    • HLI Staff on April 14, 2020 at 10:32 AM

      Thank you for your comment, Trina!

  5. Patrick B Kelly on April 13, 2020 at 1:38 PM

    Great article Father. Long ago I recognized the two-faced duplicitous character of Kissinger. He and Gates as you have so ably pointed out have done much harm over the years. They need our prayers more than ever. Prayer changes things.

    I see you are a Frenchman. My mother’s maiden name was Charlebois and her mother’s was Gagne pf Montreal.

    God bless you and all your loved ones in this joyous season of Easter. You are in my prayers.

    With kind regards,

    Pat Kelly

    • HLI Staff on April 14, 2020 at 11:02 AM

      Patrick, thank you for your support and prayers for the work of the HLI apostolate! From our entire global family, we wish you and yours a most blessed Easter! (P.S. This writer’s maiden name, Cote, is French also.)

  6. Edward Briody on April 13, 2020 at 1:26 PM

    During the HOLY WEEK Liturgies not one mention was made about the imminent death of mankind by nuclear war and the destruction of the environment from Cardinal,Bishop, Rector. Every human will be killed. Animals, plants, insects will be destroyed. The Pope has sounded the alarm but these local leaders can not even repeat his warnings. They seem to think everything will go back to normal for their way of life and that the flock.
    There has been millions killed by our US wars since WWII. During Holy Week Liturgies I heard not one word about the killing of the people that are outside the womb . If our Pastors do not speak of our moral obligation to stop killing people how can anyone expect people to be actively oppose killing the unborn?

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