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Bringing the Gospel of Life to a Miami Abortion Mill

HLI Miami's Adriana Thurdekoos mans the HLI resources table

Adriana Thurdekoos of HLI Miami prays at Eve Medical every week. This time, she had a chance to save a life.

“Mama, that’s my friend going into the abortion mill.”

Adriana looked up in surprise and saw the girl her daughter was pointing to. It was her classmate Trini, looking miserable as her mother Marta led her up the steps.

Adriana waved. Marta looked embarrassed but came over to say hello.

Then Trini spoke up: “Please tell my mother I don’t want to abort my baby.”

Adriana Stood Up for Trini and Her Child

This is not the first Adriana got a chance to help a girl like Trini. HLI Miami gets calls every day from mothers who need help. No one is ever turned away.

Adriana brought Trini and her mother back to her office at HLI Miami. She taught them about human dignity and post-abortion trauma, showing them that abortion is not the answer. She took them to get an ultrasound and prayed with them in the chapel.

Marta wavered. Adriana’s teaching had pierced her deeply. But Trini was only 14, and so many people were saying that a baby would “ruin” her life.

A week later, Marta caved in under the pressure and brought Trini back to the abortion mill. But this time was different.

When she looked at the people praying outside, she saw what they saw— A precious child. A frightened girl. And a corporate monster that feeds off pain.

Marta turned around and took her daughter and grandchild home, healthy and whole.

Thanks to All our Donors for Making this Pro-Life Conversion Possible!

It was generous HLI donors who gave this story a happy ending. They make the Miami office accessible to families like Trini’s. They sponsored Adriana to become a counselor. And they provide the resources she uses to help frightened families choose life.

Trini and Marta are using this time to heal their relationship with each other and with God. Because they chose life, God can use this child to set things right in their lives.

Trini considered adoption, but after a lot of thought, she and her mother decided to keep the baby. She is now in her third trimester. She is so thankful to Adriana for standing up for her and stopping an abortion that she never wanted.

Marta wonders how she ever thought that abortion was the best thing for her daughter. She is grateful to God for the gift of her grandchild’s life, and to HLI for helping her find the Truth before it was too late.

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