Protestant Parish Drops Contraception Thanks to HLI Mission in Tanzania

“Before today I used contraception. I didn’t know what it was doing to my marriage and my soul. Now I will abandon contraception and advise others to do the same out of love for God.”
Siwema had this conversion at a mission event our donors sponsored in Tanzania. She is the wife of a Protestant bishop, Samson Mwalyego.
Bishop Mwalyego wishes he had heard the truth about contraception decades ago. He always taught his flock that contraception is ok. But all the time it was eroding trust in God, tearing marriages apart, and causing abortions. And that’s not to mention the damage it does to a woman’s body. Thanks be to God our missionary Emil Hagamu was able to show him the truth!
The healing made possible through this mission came to light as women shared their stories.
Testimonies of this Mission’s Impact
Maria has been using contraception for almost 20 years. Her health and marriage have slowly gotten worse. She’s so excited to finally find the cure!
“I have decided to go to the dispensary and ask for removal of the Norplant that is still in my arm.”
Jestina was shocked when she learned that contraception destroys fertility and leads to infidelity. She volunteered to teach about openness to life in the marriage prep program at her parish.
“This training completely changed my life. You changed my views on marriage and family life – now I know that God is the author of life and love should prevail in my marriage and family.”
Agnes is done with contraception forever.
“I learned that life is God’s gift to us; a child is a joyful responsibility, not a burden to parents. Please continue teaching more people so that God’s voice can be heard and live”.
Bishop Mwalyego is determined to spread this teaching further. But he needs help to do it.
Helping Parishes All Over Africa Drop Contraception
When it comes to changing hearts, Bishop Mwalyego is a powerful friend to have. He guides Christians in six African countries. He wants his whole flock to hear this teaching as soon as possible before any more damage is done.
The pro-life mission isn’t just for Catholics; it’s for everyone. But our Protestant brothers and sisters are harder to reach because they seldom trust Church teaching. Having their bishop on our side makes a huge difference.
Thanks to our donors’ generosity, we are ready to start helping him set his people on the right path. We already have strong missions in Tanzania and Malawi. And with help from our donors, we are starting new missions in Rwanda and Zambia this year.
But we are not yet able to reach Bishop Mwalyego’s parishes in Burundi and the Congo. There are Catholics and other Christians there who need help to start living God’s plan for life and family. As our donors continue to support the mission, we will be able to reach more and more of them.
The pro-life mission brought these women and their families closer to God. And in the process, closer to the Church that teaches the truth about life and family.
Thanks to all our donors for the lives they have changed, and all those they will change by their continued support. Every soul saved is precious to God.