Georgina’s Marriage Rescued from Contraception
Ladislaus and Georgina were so happy in their first few years of marriage. But after they had their second child, everything changed.
A population control clinic in Tanzania told them two children was plenty. They said they would be richer and healthier with a small family. If they had many children, they couldn’t give as much to the ones they already had.
Ladislaus and Georgina let those rascals talk them into getting an IUD. Without HLI Tanzania, that might have spelled the end of their marriage.
Contraception Pushed this Marriage to a Breaking Point
The IUD was a disaster for Georgina’s health and marriage.
She suffered from mood swings, excessive anger, and terrible pains in her core and legs. Her libido was low. And worst of all, the IUD caused an infection, which continued untreated for six years.
Rejecting God’s plan for their fertility took a toll on their spiritual health as well. Together, all the effects of the IUD sucked the joy out of their marriage.
It didn’t make them any richer either. Instead of using their money to nurture another beloved child, they spent it on doctors. And the treatments they offered didn’t help. Georgina only got sicker.
Finally, a day came when they knew they couldn’t go on like this anymore. They heard that our missionaries have saved countless marriages that seemed hopeless. So they came to HLI Tanzania for help.
Thanks to our donors, they found what they needed.
HLI Tanzania Helped Georgina Heal Spiritually and Physically
This little one is alive today because HLI missionaries taught Georgina and her husband to be open to life.
Our missionary Emilia listened to their whole story and saw exactly how to help.
She told them that to heal their marriage, they would have to be open to the possibility of new life. When they rejected God’s plan, that’s when everything went wrong.
As they learned more about the dignity of marriage, they realized they needed to quit contraception.
Georgina started feeling much better after her IUD was removed. Emilia helped her treat her infection, and soon it was completely cured. Her marriage started to come to life again.
Now Ladislaus and Georgina realized how much they had missed by closing their marriage to life. They wanted to have another child right away. But after all those years on contraception, Georgina’s body couldn’t do it.
With your support, Emilia was able to help with that too. She put Georgina on a cleansing diet and gave her exercises to help her body heal naturally.
After a few months, Ladislaus and Georgina conceived.
Thanks to our supporters, they now have a happy marriage and a healthy new child. Their home is full of joy again.
HLI Donors are Building a Pro-life Culture in Tanzania
The contraceptive culture is devastating to souls, bodies, and marriages. But our donors make it possible for thousands of couples like Ladislaus and Georgina to break free.
By helping families embrace God’s plan for life and family, we are building a world where every child is loved.