Living a Culture of Life Podcast

Breast Cancer Risk Factors: Birth Control and Pregnancy Interruption

May 25, 2023

Why are so many young women getting breast cancer? That’s what Dr. Angela Lanfranchi wondered in the 1990s. This question led to her to research the connection between breast cancer and the birth control pill. On this episode, Dr. Lanfranchi…

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Kindling a Pro-Life Generation in Europe

May 18, 2023

What’s the biggest challenge for pro-lifers in Europe? Are there signs of hope? What’s the difference between Western countries and post-Soviet countries? These are some of the questions HLI’s European Regional Director, Fr. Francesco Giordano, answers on this episode. Fr.…

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The Sexual Revolution: Divorce → Pedophilia w/ Dr. Jennifer Morse

May 11, 2023

Why does birth control lead to gay marriage? Why did no-fault divorce lead to pedophilia? On this episode, Dr. Jennifer Morse of the Ruth Institute discusses the 3 big ideas of the 1960s Sexual Revolution: divorce, contraception, and gender ideology.…

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Dr. Ligaya Acosta: Stories of Conversion in the Pro-life Mission

May 4, 2023

What does a pro-life missionary do? On this episode, one of HLI’s Regional Directors, Dr. Ligaya Acosta, joins us to discuss the pro-life mission in Asia. Dr. Acosta talks about her life as a pro-life missionary and the challenges facing…

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Decrease Demand for Pornography

April 27, 2023

How can you help your kids avoid porn? That’s what Lynn Griesemer wanted to know. There’s lots of information about pornography addiction and recovery. But how can we decrease the demand in the first place? On this episode, Lynn discusses…

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Abortion Pill Reversal Pioneer on Giving 2nd Chance to Choose Life

April 20, 2023

Dr. George Delgado joins us to discuss his experience reversing chemical abortions. On this episode, he shares the story of his first reversal, discusses why women regret abortion, and explains why it’s ok that abortion pill reversal is not FDA…

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Blessed by a Kid with Down Syndrome

April 13, 2023

Kurt Kondrich’s daughter Chloe has Down syndrome. After her birth, he discovered a shocking statistic: In the United States, nearly 70% of children prenatally diagnosed with Down syndrome die from abortion. On this episode, Kurt joins us to discuss the…

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Catholics in Modern Culture

April 6, 2023

How can Catholics respond to modern culture? How can we be leaders? In this episode, Bishop Thomas Paprocki joins us to discuss the need for Catholics to read the signs of the times. Then he offers advice for confronting these…

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Raising Happy, Holy Catholic Families

March 30, 2023

How do we slow down and enjoy our children? And how can we encourage couples to welcome children? On this episode, Maria Jones, a mom of six, joins us to talk about the blessings of Catholic family life. She also…

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Contraception Won’t Stop Abortion (because it’s causing it)

March 23, 2023

All too often, pro-lifers focus all their energy on getting rid of abortion. But as long as contraception is used and accepted, abortion won’t go away. Birth control leads directly to abortion. Why is this? On this episode, Fr. Boquet…

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