Living a Culture of Life Podcast
People tend to view their bodies in two distinct ways. Some see their body as a tool. And some see their body as their entire being. Often, these views are split along gender lines. In this podcast episode, Mary Stanford…
Watch NowRecently, the anti-life agenda to indoctrinate children has been taken to a new level. From pro-LGBTQ books in preschools, to drag queen story hours, to Balenciaga’s latest scandal, children’s innocence is attacked on every level. But how should parents respond?…
Watch Now“Why are you still marching?” This was a common question at the national March for Life, which occurred in D.C. on January 20th. In past years, this event commemorated the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and called for Roe to…
Watch NowDr. Joseph Meaney, from the National Catholic Bioethics Center, discusses the many different types of questions asked on the NCBC’s hotline. From end-of-life care, to Church teaching on frozen embryos, to the morality of cremation, this episode is full of…
Watch NowPope Benedict XVI consistently reminded Catholics about the importance of human life, from conception until natural death. His encyclicals and other writings always affirmed the need to respect life, marriage, and the family. In this episode, Fr. Boquet reflects on…
Watch NowOn this episode, Bruce and Jeannie Hannemann share the story of their relationship, the effects of porn on their marriage, and how they found a program that offers true healing. They also discuss the addictive power of porn and how…
Watch NowOn this episode, Father Boquet discusses the current state of the pro-life movement in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. He also shares details about HLI’s expansion plan, which will meet the needs of 38 new countries! By 2027, pro-life…
Watch NowWhy is Christmas the heart of the pro-life movement? Should we celebrate Christmas all year long? Is this Father Boquet’s favorite holiday? Tune in to our Christmas episode to find out the answers to these (and more!) questions!
Watch NowIn this exciting episode, Wendy Burpee talks about her experience having three abortions at Planned Parenthood, her reversion back to Christianity, and what it’s like to run a pro-life pregnancy center. She also discusses the services that pregnancy centers offer…
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Why Abortion Is Never the Loving Response
People often use emotional scenarios to justify abortion. Some argue that abortion is necessary for cases of rape and incest, fetal disabilities, or to save the life of the mother. But abortion is never the answer. In this episode, Fr.…
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