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Pro-Family Message Healed this Broken Marriage

Now Alina’s daughter will grow up with a father in her home.

“I didn’t understand why we argued so much, so I filed for divorce.”

Alina was making the biggest mistake of her life. Her husband loved her, but she had no idea how to work through the conflicts. So she took her four-year-old daughter and left.

Pro-Family Message Changed Alina’s Heart

Alina needed a place to stay, so she asked for a room in the mother house at HLI Romania.  Fr. Ioan and his wife Gerda were able to find a place for her and offer some much-needed spiritual care.

Watching Gerda and Fr. Ioan’s Christ-centered relationship changed Alina’s view of her own marriage. She discovered that it was something worth fighting for even when it wasn’t easy.

Gerda taught her about the importance of forgiveness, compromise, and humility. Fr. Ioan heard her confession and gave her some counsel of his own.

After a few weeks, Alina’s heart had changed.

Hearing about the value of marriage and family gave her hope. She wanted her daughter to grow up with a father to love and guide her. And she believed that she and her husband could work through their differences with God’s help.

She cancelled her divorce and returned to her husband to ask his forgiveness.

Today this Marriage is Stronger than Ever!

Alina got the help and advice that would change her life, just when she needed it most. Now, Alina says, her marriage is completely transformed.

“After my time with Father Ioan and Gerda, our life as a couple changed radically for the better. We are more united, and don’t blame each other for anything.”

Because of our donors, this family withstood the firestorm that the evil one sends to break down marriages. Their gifts make miracles like this happen every day!

In closing, Alina would like to say, “thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, and thank God!”

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