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New Missionary Ready to Form a Pro-Life Generation in India

A culture maimed by the anti-child mentality is about to hear the Gospel of Life.

India is full of two-child families.

Go ahead and look around— movie theaters, amusement parks, Catholic churches. The families are all the same. Small.

There are exceptions, but they are rare. Something strange is going on.

Expanding the Pro-life Mission to New Delhi

Population control groups have created a culture in India where large families are unthinkable.

India needs help. And now a new mission is sprouting up to change the anti-child mentality in New Delhi.

We have a few missionaries working around India already, and they’re doing great work. But a country of over a billion people needs a bigger investment.

The mission in New Delhi is an important step forward. We cannot thank our donors enough for making it possible!

They provided the funds. And God brought us the right man for the job from an unexpected place.

Meet our New Missionary

Headshot of Charly

The mission is growing! Starting soon, Charly will bring the message of life and love to youth in New Delhi.

Charly Cherian’s first career was in pop-dancing. He was raised Catholic, but went along with the secular views on abortion and contraception.

Then a few years ago a video about “phony Catholics” turned his life upside-down.

He left showbiz and threw himself into studying the faith. That’s when he discovered the Church’s pro-life teaching. Right away he knew this was the message his country needed most.

Charly has a rock-solid grasp of Catholic pro-life teaching, and a showman’s knack for keeping people engaged. He knows the journey from anti-child to pro-life, and he’s ready to help others make that leap.

How Charly is Forming a Pro-Life Generation

The first step to making India pro-life is building a pro-child mentality in tomorrow’s parents.

The mission in New Delhi is going to start as a teaching ministry focused on Catholic youth. The primary issue will be chastity, and openness to life in marriage.

Information on these virtues and the evils of contraception is urgently needed in India.

Most Indians don’t realize there is another way to live. The only message they hear is anti-child.

Even the Church in India is struggling to stay on track. We see this at your seminarian and priest training events. Participants often say that our training was the first time they ever heard that contraception is wrong.

Charly told us his parish hosted a “pro-life” speaker who ended by saying abortion is a woman’s choice.

To break this cycle, he is going to make sure that the youth don’t fall for these lies.

With continued support from our donors, the mission in New Delhi can later expand to include seminarian and lay training and many other important ministries.

Thanks so much to all our donors for giving this great blessing to the youth of New Delhi! Please pray for the mission, and for Charly. He will be praying for you.

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