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HLI Bioethics Library Gave Fr. Joby a Magnet to Win Souls for Christ

Fr. Joby studying in the HLI Bioethics Library

Church teaching on life and family is a powerful evangelization tool when our donors train priests to use it.

When Fr. Joby came to study in Rome, he brought a big goal: build a pro-life culture by growing the Church in India.

Christians are a minority in India. To make disciples of this nation, priests must make evangelization a central focus. This is what Fr. Joby had in mind when he chose to study at HLI’s bioethics library.

Through his research, he’s finding ways to teach God’s plan for life and family to a non-Christian world.

Fr. Joby studying in the HLI Bioethics Library

Fr. Joby is using HLI’s bioethics library to teach respect for life in India.

For those raised in a secular culture, the Catholic view of the human person can be baffling. Fr. Joby needs a system for teaching these truths to everyday people with no Christian background.

That’s what he’s building at the bioethics library.

How can the bioethics library convert non-Christians?

Church teaching on life and family is a crucial part of evangelization.

Misunderstandings on these topics often drive people away from God. Many falsely believe that the Church teaches us to hate certain people and oppress others. They turn away from the faith without seeing it for what it truly is.

On the other hand, the beauty of true Church teaching on life and family works like a magnet. In it, people find the antidote to a lonely and self-centered culture of death. And through it, they can come to know Jesus.

Through the bioethics library, our donors are giving Fr. Joby the resources he needs to become a better teacher. They are helping him learn to share these truths clearly and simply.

Thanks to all the donors who support the bioethics library, he is ready to break through the confusion. He’s ready to help people look beyond their utility and see their dignity as children of God.

Our donors’ gifts save lives. And that’s just the beginning.

The Culture of Life goes hand in hand with the Kingdom of God. Through the sacrifices they make for this mission, our donors are building them both.

No one can teach love for Christ without teaching love for the pre-born, the elderly, and all God’s children. And no one can live God’s vision for life and family without His help.

That’s why pro-life teaching and spirituality are inseparable parts of our global mission.

When our donors save a child from abortion, they do so much more than save a life.

Our missionaries work to heal the brokenness of the family. They teach the parents why their child’s life matters. They help them restructure their life so that the family will bring each other closer to God.

This is more than a band-aid solution. It’s a deep and lasting cultural change. And thanks to the bioethics library, Fr. Joby is prepared to bring this change to India.

Thank you for making it possible to build the Culture of Life and the Kingdom of God around the world.

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  1. Gabe on February 15, 2022 at 12:29 PM

    It’s good to hear that Fr. Joby wants to make a difference.

  2. henry on February 9, 2022 at 9:47 AM

    thank you for winning a a debate

    • HLI Staff on February 9, 2022 at 1:26 PM


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