Transgender Studies Bringing Pro-Trans Narrative Into Question

A recent 15-year study from the Netherlands conducted by researchers at the University of Groningen found that most children who struggle with gender dysphoria grow out of it by the time they reach adulthood. The study followed more than 2,700 persons from their preteen years into their mid-twenties. Over the 15 years, the researchers would do periodic surveys of the participants about their so-called “gender identity,” and they noted a significant decline in the participants’ gender dysphoria as time went on. While the participants were children, 11% had gender identity issues. But by the time they hit their mid-twenties, that percentage dwindled to 4%. 78% of participants never developed gender dysphoria. 19% grew to be content with their gender over time, and only 2% became less content.

At an underground conference, HLI moved Olena to stop pushing the LGBT ideology in her city.

Advocates of transgender surgeries and drugs often claim that these “treatments” are “life-saving.” They claim that transgender “care” reduces the risk of suicide among those with gender dysphoria. However, a study done earlier this year in Finland found that giving adolescents transgender drugs or surgeries does not decrease the suicide risk. Researchers say that these methods of “care” do not seem to solve underlying mental health issues. The researchers reported: “[The research] does not support the claims that [gender reassignment] is necessary in order to prevent suicide. [Gender reassignment] has also not been shown to reduce even suicidal ideation, and suicidal ideation is not equal to actual suicide risk.” However, researchers found that suicide “was rare” among adolescents who pursued psychiatric help, whether or not they used transgender drugs or surgeries.

While adolescents struggling with gender dysphoria did have higher rates of suicide, this appeared to researchers to be due to underlying mental health struggles versus the lack of transgender “care.” Indeed, those who struggled with gender dysphoria often had other mental health struggles, so the two appear to go hand-in-hand. While this study was limited (the participants were young and may need follow-up to have a more definitive answer, and the number of adolescents seeking transgender “care” have increased mostly in the last ten years), we are beginning to see a pattern emerge from these studies done by otherwise very “progressive” and liberal countries.

Because of our generous donors, HLI is able to educate people around the world about family and life issues and encourage them to defend life and resist the gender ideology.

Because of our generous donors, HLI is able to empower people all around the world to defend life and to push back against gender ideology.

A 400-page review of medical research that complements this research was performed by England’s National Health Service (NHS) states that there is “insufficient evidence about the risks and benefits” of what we commonly refer to as transgender “care.” It calls for more research and a holistic approach before going straight to dangerous puberty blockers and mutilating surgeries as it found that evidence from current research is lacking, as it has been “exaggerated or misrepresented by people on all sides of the debate to support their viewpoint.” It even found that most of the oft-cited studies were unreliable or were of low quality – and some of these studies were promoted by the World Professional Association of Transgender Healthcare (WPATH).

Perhaps this emerging research will give pause to those who promote this “care” as beneficial and “life-saving.” Please pray that all those suffering from gender dysphoria will find healing and will realize their true identity and calling in Christ.

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