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Italy Abortion Amendment: Maternity Groups to Help Women

Italy’s lower house passed an amendment this week that would allow “nonprofit groups with qualified experience in supporting maternity” to enter family planning clinics that issue abortion certificates. The hope is that their presence in these clinics will show women seeking an abortion that there are other viable options, such as adoption or parenting. Advocates can inform women about groups or clinics that offer free resources to new mothers, such as birthing classes, parenting classes, counseling, diapers, car seats, formula, and much more.

HLI supports pregnancy care centers like these in more than 25 countries around the world to help new parents have access to the resources they need to support themselves and their baby. Pro-abortion activists decry this amendment as violating human rights, but the Italian government under Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni says that this amendment is nothing new.

Instead, it further clarifies part of Italy’s abortion legalization law of 1978. HLI has seen firsthand the miracles that can come from such centers. Everything from saving women from exploiters to helping facilitate adoptions is possible when the dignity of both the mother and the child are recognized. Our God is a God of healing, and by recognizing the reality of human life, we can bring His healing to others.

Let us pray that the presence of these nonprofit groups will give scared moms hope and help support them in their time of great need.

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