Mission Stories

Georgina’s Marriage Rescued from Contraception

By HLI Staff / April 19, 2022 /

Now this Tanzanian family is healthy, happy, and open to life. Ladislaus and Georgina were so happy in their first few years of marriage. But after they had their second child, everything changed. A population control clinic in Tanzania told them two children was plenty. They said they would be richer and healthier with a…

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Nurse Trained by HLI Rwanda Reversed Natalie’s Abortion Just in Time

By HLI Staff / April 12, 2022 /

When Natalie was tricked into taking an abortion pill, our pro-life education program saved the day. Natalie looked her dean in the eye and told him the truth: She’d been missing classes because of morning sickness. She and her boyfriend, another student, were expecting a child. In Rwanda, an out-of-wedlock pregnancy is a disgrace. Natalie…

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Watch a Video about Pro-life Work in Miami

By HLI Staff / April 5, 2022 /
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Our missionary Adriana shares stories about her experiences counseling moms to choose life. Nine years ago, Adriana of HLI Miami got a call she never expected. “Can you help me get an abortion?” Adriana almost dropped the phone. She never thought she’d get that question working at a pro-life center! She did some quick thinking…

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Clinic Worker Quits Pushing Contraception Thanks to Pro-Life Talk in Zimbabwe

By HLI Staff / March 8, 2022 /
Viola holding her new baby

After her pro-life conversion, Viola went to work at a prenatal center and welcomed another child into her family. Before our donors changed her life, Viola was an unwitting agent of the culture of death. She was Catholic, but didn’t know contraception was wrong. She handed out condoms and injected women with Depo-Provera as part…

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Baby Attila is Alive Today Thanks to our Donors’ Support for HLI Hungary

By HLI Staff / March 1, 2022 /

When a pro-life judge took a brave risk to stop an abortion, we stepped up to help save the child. The story was all over the news in Hungary. According to the media, a local judge was forcing Judith to have a child against her will. HLI missionary Dr. Imre saw her on TV. She…

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HLI Bioethics Library Gave Fr. Joby a Magnet to Win Souls for Christ

By HLI Staff / February 8, 2022 /
Fr. Joby studying in the HLI Bioethics Library

Church teaching on life and family is a powerful evangelization tool when our donors train priests to use it. When Fr. Joby came to study in Rome, he brought a big goal: build a pro-life culture by growing the Church in India. Christians are a minority in India. To make disciples of this nation, priests…

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University Student Turned Pro-Life Thanks to Training Our Donors Gave Local Seminarians

By HLI Staff / February 1, 2022 /
Seminarians marching with signs

Joy’s 180 ° conversion at the Nigeria March for Life made her a pro-life witness to her peers. When Joy stepped out of her dorm in the morning, she was a pro-abortion progressive. When she came back that afternoon, she was a passionate pro-lifer committed to living chastely. What happened in the middle was the…

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HLI Zimbabwe Saved this Child’s Life by Giving His Mother Hope

By HLI Staff / December 21, 2021 /

Thandiwe’s poverty and grief almost cost her child his life. Thank you to all our donors for being there to help her! It was a bit like the conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan woman. Thandiwe was sitting by a well in Zimbabwe. She asked our missionary Veronica for a drink of water. With support…

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New Liaison to the Organization of American States Steps Up to Keep Latin America Pro-Life

By HLI Staff / December 14, 2021 /

The Mexican Supreme Court just caved to anti-lifers. We’re stepping in to help at the International Level. Did you hear about the tragedy in Mexico? The Supreme Court recently made a fatal pro-abortion decision similar to Roe v. Wade. The legal details are different, but the bogus reasoning is similar. Like Roe, this decision claims…

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Protestant Parish Drops Contraception Thanks to HLI Mission in Tanzania

By HLI Staff / December 7, 2021 /

Bishop Mwalyego needs help to spread this Church teaching to parishes in six countries. “Before today I used contraception. I didn’t know what it was doing to my marriage and my soul. Now I will abandon contraception and advise others to do the same out of love for God.” Siwema had this conversion at a…

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