Mission Stories
Thanks to HLI’s mission, contraceptive use drops despite millions spent promoting it. Our donors’ work in Malawi is so effective that the anti-lifers are getting worried. The Family Planning Association of Malawi just published a report that shows they are losing ground. They’ve spent millions promoting contraception. It’s available and free all over the country.…
Read MoreA culture maimed by the anti-child mentality is about to hear the Gospel of Life. India is full of two-child families. Go ahead and look around— movie theaters, amusement parks, Catholic churches. The families are all the same. Small. There are exceptions, but they are rare. Something strange is going on. Expanding the Pro-life Mission…
Read MoreWhen Pastora found herself in a crisis pregnancy, our donors showed her the humanity of her child. Pastora was just a few weeks pregnant and everyone around her was pushing for abortion. Her boyfriend had no interest in being a father. Her mother couldn’t afford to care for her and a baby. Her peers pointed…
Read MoreSee how three mothers’ minds changed when they learned the truth about life and family. Anti-lifers want you to think that every abortion is an informed choice. Our missionaries know this is far from the truth. Fr. Alex of HLI India meets women all the time who think they want abortion or contraception. But they…
Read MoreMalawi is safe this year. But we need to be proactive to protect this country long-term. The pro-aborts are up to their old tricks in Malawi. But thanks to our donors, they didn’t get far. This summer, Fr. Zikomankhani of HLI Malawi was surprised to see an abortion bill up for discussion. This is the…
Read MoreAsel’s work in Namibia shows that the impact reaches way beyond event-day. Have you ever wondered what happens after a conference? Large crowds and rousing talks are all well and good. But did someone’s life change? If everyone went back to business as usual, we would not spend another dime of our donors’ hard-earned money…
Read MoreVigil participants rescued this newborn from a dumpster near the local abortion clinic. Prayer saves lives. Often, we don’t know whose life, or where, or when. But this time God put a little life right into our hands to show how powerful prayers are. God Used this Vigil to Rescue an Abandoned Baby Girl One…
Read MoreRome Library Empowers Fr. Shanu to Protect the Elderly
This priest is using lessons from our Rome bioethics library to end the custom of elder killing in India. A grandfather walks into a police station in Kerala, India. He claims that his family is planning to kill him. It’s an Indian custom. Families sometimes murder their elderly when they are no longer useful. Often…
Read MoreThis Catholic radio show in Mexico avoided human life issues until Celina met our missionary. At HLI we take our donors’ trust very seriously. Our goal is to make sure their gifts have the greatest possible impact. That’s why we bring the message of life to community leaders. They take the light of truth and…
Read MoreWith help from Fr. Opio, this whole family learned that every life is a gift. Generous gifts from our supporters change the lives of people all the way across the world. One of them is Jane, a college student from Uganda. Jane Needed Help to Keep her Baby Jane and her boyfriend made a mistake.…
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